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Essay on urbanisation

Essay on urbanisation

Hi there! With economic and social reforms demand for man power has increased in urban areas. Provision of essential services Creation of more jobs both in urban and rural areas population control to reduce the general population in urban centers. As urban areas become more technology savvy together with highly sophisticated communication, infrastructure medical facilities, dressing code, essay on urbanisation, enlightenment, essay on urbanisation, and other social amenities availability, people believe they can lead a happy life in cities. Urbanisation will demand planning along with the low-income urban population in developing countries for better results.

Long and Short Essay on Urbanization in English

this has been true right frm the most earliest of ages till date. a city or fabric is allbut a sequential order of events taking place, essay on urbanisation. one event after the other or a series of events taking…. Inequality is a global impediment that creates many public problems to release the devastation of viciousness and hopelessness. Conflict can be a result of people feeling underprivileged to others through culture, area of residence, wealth, and the need to experience social mobility to a higher class of prosperity. Counter urbanisation is the movement of the population and economic activity away from the urban areas.

When people choose to live on the edge of urban areas they do this because normally the urban areas are not very nice places to live due to pollution, crime and traffic. Also urban areas are essay on urbanisation busy and…. The decentralization of retailing and other services has had a major impact on urban areas. Socialization is the process through which a individual acquires to essay on urbanisation to an assembly or civilization and act in a manner accepted and recognized by this group or society. Mentioning to most societal experts, socialisation fundamentally expresses the full method of civilization during the life sequence and is a chief inspiration on the public presentation,…. Abstract Urbanization refers to general increase in population and the amount of industrialization of a settlement.

It includes increase in the number and extent of cities. It symbolizes the movement of people from rural to urban areas. Urbanization happens because of the increase in the extent and density of urban areas. Due to uncontrolled urbanization…. Introduction: Urban growing essay on urbanisation urban conurbation is a spacial moral force phenomenon that indicates population growing, economic enlargement, big graduated table migration, metropolis importance etc. Urban conurbation has become a singular feature of urban development worldwide in the last few decennaries [ MGA1 ].

In developing states like India conurbation is taking its toll…. In this I will be looking at the urban changes as the distance increases from the central business district, or CBD. In my…. As its modern facilities, some people prefer living in urban rather than in rural areas. However some debate that people will harm their health when live in big city, essay on urbanisation. No one is wrong…, essay on urbanisation. Shanty Towns Essay, Research Paper Why do shanty town develop in 3rd universe states and can be done to get by with rapid shanty town growing and the poorness at that place in Hovel towns have ever been associated with today?

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Industrial revolution has given rise to Urbanization by creating job opportunities that induces people from rural areas to migrate to urban areas. With economic and social reforms demand for man power has increased in urban areas. Here are essays on urbanization of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Urbanization essay as per your need:. Urbanization refers to movement of mankind from rural areas to urban areas and how society adapts the changes. India is facing serious problem of rise in urban population presently. With Urbanization there is increase in social, economic and political progress but on the other hand it also leads to socio-economic problems due to unplanned growth in urban population and lack of infrastructural facilities.

The natural growth in population combined with the growth due to migration puts heavy load on public utilities like housing, water, health, education, transport and other commodities and services. People from rural areas migrate to urban areas for better employment opportunities, better education, health and medical facilities, commercialization, better standard of living, social status and so on. Modern-day farming involves new technology lessening the need of manpower leading to Urbanization. There are several problems that upsurge due to Urbanization that need serious attention. Some of the chief problems in India due to Urbanization are overpopulation, poverty, environmental degradation, unemployment, transport, sanitation, pollution and so on.

Planning and investment is required for infrastructural development. Developing clean cities and green cities is essential. Provisions of essential services such as health, education, clean water, food and electricity among the masses should be the goal. Spreading awareness and educating people about family planning and population control should be emphasized. Urbanization is the rise in growth of people living in cities and towns. Urbanization also means the transformation of society whereby rural economy is being transformed to advanced industrial economy. It is highly accepted notion that urban areas as compared to rural areas have achieved better social, economic and political development. People from the rural areas are induced to urban areas to take advantage of its advanced economic and social benefits.

Urbanization began to stimulate in India after independence due to rise in the development of the private sector. Population living in urban areas in India according to census was A survey conducted by UN state of the world population report in , predicts Main causes of Urbanization in India are Industrial revolution, Urbanization for economic development, economic opportunities and infrastructure facilities, development of private sectors, employment opportunities, land fragmentations and better standard of living. Like every coin has two sides, Urbanization has several positive as well as negative effects.

The positive factors of Urbanization are generation of employment opportunities, better and higher education, healthcare and medical facilities, housing, transport, new technology, social integration, electricity and better standard of living. The negative effects of Urbanization are unemployment, overcrowding, global warming, traffic congestions and air pollution, poverty, shortage in supply of water, urban crime, trash disposal issues and so on. With the passing time negative impacts of Urbanization are increasing immensely. Due to growth in population, industrialization and infrastructural development has become a necessity in rural areas. This will also raise employment opportunities in rural areas.

Better education, healthcare, transport, sanitation facilities should be provided in rural areas. Urbanization is the process in which people leave rural areas and shift to urban areas either due to push or pull factors. Urbanization turns out to have positive effects when happens to the certain extent. The positive effects of the Urbanization include employment to the unemployed, better education, health care and medical facilities, infrastructural development and access to new and advanced technologies. Urbanization is the process of development.

However, over Urbanization in cities especially metro cities is resulting in adverse effects. There are various push factors and pull factors of Urbanization in India. Push factors are the factors due to which people have to leave rural areas and move to urban areas for instance, unemployment, poverty, lack of infrastructure and limited resources. Pull factors are the factors that induced people to move to urban areas e. employment opportunities, better education, infrastructure development, commercialization, health and medical care. Urbanization also means the transformation of society whereby rural culture is being transformed to modern urban culture.

It is alteration from traditional rural economies to industrial economies. Urbanization allows the overall urban population to enjoy the fruits of economic and social development. However, due to increase in global warming due to Urbanization serious measures need to be taken for clean and green cities. The mass movement of people from rural areas to urban areas, i. Higher the population, higher is the demand of public utilities like housing, sanitation water, health, education and so on. Urbanization is subjected to range of elements such as urban planning, economics, sociology and health care. The concept of Urbanization is increase in developing and developed society as people want to move to cities and towns to enjoy the benefits of social and economic development that include better education, health care, housing, better work opportunities and sanitation.

Industrialization is the concept of moving from agricultural sector to industrial sector. Industrialization creates economic growth and employment opportunities. With industrial revolution in developing and developed countries, more and more people are moving from rural areas to urban areas for better employment opportunities. Modern-day trade and commerce also result in Urbanization. In modern times, development of marketing institutions and methods of trade have significantly contributed to Urbanization. There are better commercial opportunities and returns in urban areas than in rural areas. As a result, people are tempted to urban areas. There are several social benefits in urban areas compared to rural areas like better education, better health care, transport, sanitation and social status.

Better recreational facilities are available such as play grounds, theatres, parks and clubs. Thus, people move to urban areas for enjoying the benefits of modern lifestyle. In rural areas people mainly have to depend on agricultural sector for their living whereas in the urban areas there are several employment opportunities in various sectors such as education, health care, transport, banking, media, television and sports to name a few. Agricultural sector mainly depends on monsoon. In times of natural calamities and drought, people have to migrate to urban areas in search of employment.

With modern farming technology manpower needed in farming sector is decreased leading to Urbanization. Urban areas are characterized by new technology, infrastructural development, better health care and medical facilities, liberalization and better standard of living. This induces people from backward and rural areas to move to urban areas. The management of administration is also responsible for Urbanization. The government has not maintained the rapidity with city growth in terms of infrastructure management or spatial. As compared to rural areas there are better education facilities available in urban areas. The schools and colleges providing professional education are all located in urban areas.

Thus young girls and boys either alone or with their families shift to urban areas to seek quality education. when this is combined with random and unexpected growth as well as unemployment, there is the spread of unlawful resident settlements represented by slums and squatters. The growth of slums and squatters in urban areas is even further exacerbated by fast-paced industrialization,lack of developed land for housing, a large influx of rural immigrants to the cities in search of better life and the elevated prices of land beyond the reach of the urban poor. Water and sanitation problems because of overpopulation and rapid population increase in most urban centers, it is common to find there are inadequate sewage facilities.

Municipalities and local governments are faced with serious resource crisis in the management of sewage facilities. As a result, sanitation becomes poor and sewages flow chaotically and the are drained into neighboring streams, rivers, lakes or seas. Eventually, communicable diseases such as typhoid, dysentery,plague, and diarrhea spread very fast leading suffering and even deaths. Poor health and spread of diseases social, economic and living conditions in congested urban areas affect access and utilization of public health care services. slum areas in particular experience poor sanitation and insufficient water supply which generally make slum populations susceptible to communicable diseases.

The environmental problems such as urban pollution also cause many health problems namely allergies, asthma, infertility, food poisoning, cancer and even premature deaths. Traffic congestion When more people to move to towns and cities, one of the major challenges posed is in the transport system. More people means an increased number of vehicles which leads to traffic congestion and vehicular pollution. Urban crime issues of lack of resources, overcrowding, unemployment,poverty, and lack of social services and education habitually lead to many social problems including violence, drug abuse, and crime. Most of the crimes such as murder, rape, kidnapping, riots, assault, theft, robbery, and hijacking are reported to be more prominent in the urban vicinities.

Besides,poverty-related crimes are the highest in fast-growing urban regions. These acts of urban crime normally upset the peace and tranquility of cities and towns. In as much as urbanization has many adverse effects , they can actually try to be solved by some of the following factors building sustainable and environmentally friendly cities. Provision of essential services Creation of more jobs both in urban and rural areas population control to reduce the general population in urban centers. The government should try its best to make rural areas more developed and provide better services in the countryside so as to try and control congestion in the urban centers. Young people should also embrace the manual jobs and avoid greed of the white collar jobs so as to help develop the countrysides.

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