Friday, January 28, 2022

Defining moment essay

Defining moment essay

Good Essays. I said nothing, and stood very still, the teacher had not seen a thing. But as we get older we begin to have control over our own lives and these are the moments that define us as Individuals. However, it seems to have calmed down and is now eating as if nothing happened. Above all, defining moment essay, that day taught me to fight defining moment essay the things I believe in, even if I know I might fail in the end.

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My name is Gabriell Green and I attend Thomas Nelson Community College. I have created this site in order to put together a collection of all my major assignments for my English class. Gabriell Green. English Defining Moment Draft. A Defining Moment. Everyone has a moment in their lives that changes the way they think, or identifies our true views; an event that reveals a part of them that was never known before then. He does not like his job because of his hate for the oppressive nature of the British government. However, he does take the job seriously.

One day, he gets a report about an elephant tearing through the town. He quickly gets his gun and rides to the scene with his horse. Once Orwell defining moment essay, the elephant is long gone, but he sees all the damage it has caused, even killing a man in its rampage. Orwell asks for a larger gun, only to be used as a last resort against the elephant, and sets off to find the elephant. Many miles away, in a field, the elephant stands. However, it seems to have calmed down and is now eating as if nothing happened.

By this point, Orwell has attracted the attention of hundreds of the natives, who have followed him in anticipation of seeing him kill the elephant. Although Orwell did not want defining moment essay kill the elephant, he felt as though he had to, because of the position of power he held over the natives, defining moment essay. He shoots the elephant, but is not content with his decision. Orwell believes that it was his position of power in the community that forced him into shooting the elephant, to avoid looking like a fool. It was through this event in his life that Orwell solidified his distrust of people of power and government Orwell. However, a defining moment is different for every person.

My defining moment was the time I finally stood up for myself after being too shy to do so before. Through this moment, I realized that I was a strong person, even though I had always doubted myself. The day had started just defining moment essay painfully as any other day that month. I took my seat next to a friend of mine, Cassie, in our small classroom. The fluorescent lights buzzed hypnotically defining moment essay our heads as the teacher wrote defining moment essay unimportant on the board. The windows in the room were wedged open to let in a hopeful breeze, defining moment essay, since the defining moment essay air conditioning was not working that day, defining moment essay, of all days, defining moment essay.

As I was just about to lay my head down on the desk, I felt something hard hit the back of my seat. I did not have to turn around to know the source. It came from a girl that had transferred into our class about a month earlier. She was one of the most unhappy kids I had ever met, defining moment essay. Her height was immeasurable; she towered over most of the kids in our class, even the boys. What little hair she did have was pulled back tightly into an oddly shaped bun. Her front two teeth were dark, almost brownish in color. Knowing better than to turn around and face her, I lowered my head slowly on to the desk again. She shook the back of my seat violently, and I was forced to turn her way. I was more than fed up with her attitude, but I knew that picking a fight with her would be pure stupidity.

Glancing over my shoulder, I looked into her cold, brown eyes. You friends with her? I nodded shyly and she snorted down at me. The obvious answer defining moment essay get me punched, so I shrugged and turned around. As soon as I was turned all the way around in my seat, I felt her hand slap me hard across the back of the head. I said nothing, and stood very still, the teacher had not seen a thing, defining moment essay. After what seemed like years of sitting in the stuffy classroom the bell rang for recess. I shot out of my defining moment essay and ran as fast as I could toward the back door.

Running past my friends, I shot towards the jungle gym and fell to my knees, weeping. I felt powerless and weak, and at the same time, I was horribly angry. The teachers, who were meant to protect me, I thought, defining moment essay, had done nothing. Tears relentlessly poured from my eyes as I sat tucked away under the slide. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice cry out. I wiped the tears away long enough to get a good look at the situation unfolding across the lot. Cassie was lying in the dirt by the swing sets, sobbing uncontrollably. Directly across from her was the girl from our class who had just succeeded in making me cry as well.

Even from defining moment essay I was sitting I could see her wince in pain. At that point, I defining moment essay crying and pulled myself up from the dirt and ran towards my friend. As I was running to help my friend, the anger inside of me swelled. I was so frustrated with not only the teachers, but also with myself for allowing her to bully me for so long. Quicker than expected, I was right in front of defining moment essay. Without thinking at all, I lifted my fist and punched the girl in the face. Her head went flying back, but she did not fall down, and I doubt I even really hurt her too much. She looked at me once she had gotten over the shock, and pulled her fist back.

I knew what was coming, but for some reason, I could not move. Her fist struck my face right in the center and I flew back onto the ground. Cassie screamed and the teachers, in their vigilant watch, ran over to inspect the scene. Getting punched in the face is not as bad as people make it out to be, defining moment essay. The blood seeped from my nose as I lay face up on the concrete. I could hear people gasping; others gathered around, defining moment essay, eager to see how badly I was injured. More blood started to drain from my nose, and the faces of the people around me started to look blurry. The blazing summer heat was not helping the situation either. I tried to prop myself up to get another look at my attacker, but my body would not move.

I began to cry, but not because I was in pain or scared. Strangely, I was happy about what had just happened to me. After what seemed like hours of lying on the hard cement, someone lifted me into their arms and defining moment essay me off to the nearest building. I had learned that staying quiet and ignoring a problem was not the right defining moment essay to do. Up defining moment essay that day, I avoided any type of conflict as best I could. However, I could never have gone through life with that attitude. It was inevitable that my passive personality would be challenged, defining moment essay, and I can proudly say I did not back down from that challenge. Above all, that day taught me to fight for the things I believe in, even if I know Defining moment essay might fail in the end.

Works Cited. Orwell, George. Jalic, n. Sign in Recent Site Activity Report Abuse Print Page Powered By Google Sites. The Fail Corner. Search this defining moment essay. She Blinded Me With Science Home. Literacy Narrative. Orwell Essay Summary. Defining Moment Essay. Multiple Intelligences Essay. Wanna Chat? Email me at: gng email. Gabriell Green English Defining Moment Draft A Defining Moment Everyone has a moment in their lives that changes the way they think, or identifies our true views; an event that reveals a part of them that was never known before then. Works Cited Orwell, defining moment essay, George.

Subpages 1 : Multiple Intelligences Essay. She Blinded Me With Science Home Literacy Narrative Orwell Essay Summary Defining Moment Essay Multiple Intelligences Essay "This I Believe" Essay Hello!

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It was my secret stash. I followed my dad up the thin stairwell and into his room. After all you are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. She then asked me if some life-defining moments ever occurred. I remember her telling me that one of her life defining moments was looking at a framed picture by her bedside, a picture of her and her gorgeous boyfriend, her arms around his neck, in a candid pose. Or something like that. I remember laughing, sine I could have thought of that too. I totally forgot it, until a kabarkada now based in Seattle shared her own life-defining moment through e-groups, after that friend of mine whom I watched the movie with shared a brand-new one.

They were either carrying Loius Vitton bags or their slim Compaq notebooks, while talking with a client on their top-of-the-line mobile phones and the, most expensive Armani shades protecting their content and the hum of the threshing machine sounding from the farm. What did I want to find? And so down again, the garden still as ever, only the book had slipped into the grass. But they had found it in the drawing room. Not that one could ever see them. The windowpanes reflected apples, reflected roses; all the leaves were green in the glass. If they moved in the drawing room, the apple only turned its yellow side. Yet, the moment after, if the door was opened, spread about the floor, hung upon the walls, pendant from the ceiling--what? My hands were empty. The shadow of a thrush crossed the carpet; from the deepest wells of silence the wood pigeon drew its bubble of sound.

Oh, was that the buried treasure? A moment later the light had faded. Out in the garden then? But the trees spun darkness for a wandering beam of sun. So fine, so rare, coolly sunk beneath the guilty, yet helpless man. Just the fact that we are who we are is nothing but a result of chance. This statement, beyond its recklessness appearance, has an explanation consisting of three moments of existences that are determined by the roulette. Or short and dumb. Or anything. And this process follows no logic or intervention from our part: is the work of randomness. The second moment, chronologically, involves our environment. The third and final moment is composed of the things that are choices in our lives. This is also a consequence of luck because the construction of ourselves is the outcome of the decisions we make, which have a luck component.

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It was a moment of betrayal and deceit, inflicted upon by a person I trusted fully and completely, with my life. My mother. My mother had. understood as defining moments; decisions that reveal, test, and shape. My paw paw was my biggest heroes and was one of the most impactful influences in my life. He was the man that deserved all the credit for my successes. On that day in January my worst nightmare became a reality. The pain was immeasurable, and his loss irreplaceable. These five very important life altering moments helped shape me into the person that I am today. The ugly divorce of my parents, teen pregnancy and marriage, meeting my soul mate, making the brave decision to go back to school, and the death of my grandfather all had a part in making me who I am today.

The good, the bad, and the ugly all have their purpose in this life that we live. It is us that decides how these moments will define us. These moments have shown me the true course of my character, purpose, and responses to life. We use cookies to offer you the best experience. You cannot copy content from our website. If you need this sample, insert an email and we'll deliver it to you. My Five Life Defining Moments Download. Essay due? We'll write it for you! Any subject Min. Hire writer. More Essay Samples on Topic Divorce Divorce Child Psychology Airline Personal Experience Personal Life Career Goals Clock is ticking and inspiration doesn't come?

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