Bulletin of the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Building Research Institute, essay on earthquake in pakistan, Ministry of Construction, Japan. org 53 faults Takashi et al. So, evaluation of relationship between seismicity and surface faults must emphasize the three dimensional study of seismotectonic volume to understand the role of fault as a essay on earthquake in pakistan of attenuation or intensification of tectonic energy. Farah and Yeats and Lawrence suggested that two earthquakes M 6. K and Singh, D. The model suggests that seismotectonic volume hypocentre of the December earthquake was located within the sub-horizontal or horizontal axis in the upper part of seismogenic waveguide layer Magsi, How to write a intro for a compare and contrast essay.
Earthquake in pakistan 2005 short essay
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Haleem Magsi. Download Download PDF Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package This Paper. A short summary of this paper. magsi kiu. pk Abstract: The present study addresses the relationship between seismicity and surface faults, which are usually final relaxation of deformation, issue of diffused seismicity, and the occurrence of strong earthquakes in seismically quiet zones in Pakistan. The seismicity of Pakistan is correlated with tectonic blocks and faults that determine the source and reservoir of kinetic energy in the Earth crust. The rose diagram of orientation of Quaternary faults and strong earthquake focal zones illustrates that deformation in earthquake foci is not always expressed by surface faults.
A seismotectonic model of earthquake foci suggests that a subjacent neotectonic process is the source of kinetic energy and tectonic blocks are reservoirs. Earthquakes are continuing process of energy accumulation and formation of flexure strain in reservoir followed by rapture - final relaxation of displacement in territory of Pakistan. It is observed that regional deep faults influencing the Alpine-Himalayan Fold Belt bending trends are generators of subjacent Neotectonic process. Eearthquakes mainly occur in Quetta Syntaxes, Makran region, Eastern Sulaiman Range, Indus- Kohistan Essay on earthquake in pakistan Zones and lower Indus Basin. One group Seeber et al. Mona Lisa et al. Belousov et al.
Makarov and Schukin opined that deep deformation is not always related to hidden faults. Knowledge of brittle and ductile deformation at different subsurface levels is important to evaluate seismotectonic criteria of earthquake foci Schukin, The analysis of focal mechanism deformation of earthquake foci and coseismic displacement in earthquake epicentral zones also shows mismatch. Some examples are; the Quetta Earthquake with magnitude 7. Essay on earthquake in pakistan the case of Quetta Earthquake coseismic displacement developed as a normal fault with a 60 cm subsidence of the north-western block and the uplift of the south-eastern block West, The focal mechanism solution can determine thrust faulting Gupta and Singh, According to Penningtonfocal mechanism and aftershock distribution indicate the thrust deformation, though its relation to the Main Mantle Thrust and the reason for the absence of surface coseismic rupture is not clearly explained.
Moreover, both earthquakes occurred at the same depth. Quittmeyer et al, essay on earthquake in pakistan. org 43 Fig. Tectonic Map of Pakistan Courtesy: Geological Survey of Pakistan Fig. Seismicity of Hazara Arc and Indus-Kohistan Seismic Zone: Decollement vs. org Fig. Bouguer anomaly curve and velocity along Lawrencepur and Astor Belousov et al. Velocity layers, 2. Waveguide Layer, 3. Bouguer anomaly Δg upper figure. at the 40o NW epicentral zones of the Kachi Earthquake October Herron, The difference in interpretation of focal mechanism solution and their relation with surface faults is also present in the works of NowrooziTariq et al. Schukindiscussing the sudden occurrence of strong earthquakes in aseismic zones, and stresses the importance to study seismotectonics environment at hypocenter in the light of brittle and ductile deformations.
In my opinion, hypothesis about earthquake foci proposed by Gorshkov is the most viable: an earthquake focus has a three-dimensional structural medium, block, and some volume of the Earth's crust or the upper mantle where tectonic energy accumulates and reaches the limit of the strength of rock, finally converting into kinetic energy of deformation. This is the best approach to understanding seismotectonic environment of earthquake foci. The deformation cycle starts from the accumulation of tectonic energy and the formation of flexure strain, followed by the relaxational displacement as surface rupture Kuchay, in accordance with the mesomechanics concept of plastic deformation of substance Panin, In this paper I discuss the relation of earthquake epicentres with tectonic blocks and surface faults of the territory of Pakistan and the adjacent areas and clarify issues of aseismic zones Schukin,locked faults Takashi et al.
A disastrous earthquake on Oct 8, intensified seismological studies in accordance with the idea that tectonic processes are controlled by the northward movement of Indian plate and the Arabian plate, and the subduction under Eurasian and Afghan block respectively Fig. org 45 Seismic Profiling along the Lawrencepur-Astor crossing subduction zone rejects the presence of under- thrusting processes in Gilgit-Balochistan Belousov et al. I shall discuss the issue of subduction zone in other papers. Seismicity Map of Pakistan. Blue line is boundary between Indian and Eurasian Plates, essay on earthquake in pakistan. EERI Special Earthquake Report — February The analyses of published materials on seismicity of Pakistan in earlier days were based on the article of Moritsa that utilized the catalogue of earthquakes with descriptions of significant earthquakes including coseismic uplifting 6.
The link between earthquakes and surface faults was reported by Griesbach in the study of Balochistan strong earthquake in December which produced left-lateral offset of about 75 cm along the Chaman Fault to the west of Old Chaman Town. Takashi et al. Seeber et al. Lawrence and Yeats divided the Chaman Fault in four segments based on seismic activity and geomorphological evidence, essay on earthquake in pakistan. Analysis of the segments shows that earthquake epicenters are mostly confined in active segments of the Chaman Fault. Farah and Yeats and Lawrence suggested that two essay on earthquake in pakistan M 6. Shafiq et al. Local and regional faults in the vicinity of Quetta and Mach Lineaments dotted line. Orange - star, and blue point - epicentre of earthquake Shafiq et al.
Geographically scattered occurrence of large magnitude earthquakes Gaffar and Abbas,often falls off major faults and low seismicity in the Kashmir beside the complex fault system induction of accumulated strain energy that was released in the Kashmir earthquake in October 8, essay on earthquake in pakistan, Moreover, strong earthquakes like the Kashmir Earthquake in October is the result of release of energy essay on earthquake in pakistan an upper seismogenic layer Magsi, essay on earthquake in pakistan NCGT Journal, v. org 47 The difference between coseismic displacement and focal mechanism is an active issue in Pakistan.
For example, Armbruster et al. However, the focal mechanism of the earthquake illustrates thrust faulting Gupta and Singh, As well as, the thrust faulting inferred on the basis of focal mechanism, Gupta and Singh and Armbruster et al. However, field observation of the epicentral zone of the May 30, earthquake found evidence of 60 cm vertical displacement. This indicates a normal fault West,totally different from the strike slip deformation and the thrust faulting determined by focal mechanism. The normal fault essay on earthquake in pakistan a graben type fault characterizing the Sibi Transverse Foredeep Magsi, and the northern part of the Kirthar Axial Belt Noushaba,Figure 7.
Solovieva suggested that earthquakes of Sulaiman Ranges are associated with blocks formed as a result of neotectonic processes, and seismicity of the Quetta region including the active trace segment is linked with a complex tectonic knot, where the NE and NW structures intersect. This formed a sharp bend of the Alpine Fold Belt. The same discrepancy in interpretation is observed in the Sulaiman Range by Nowroozi and Tariq and Qaisar who determined the NNE left lateral strike slip motions for earthquakes that occurred in the Harnai — Sharigh Seismic Zone and Kingri Earthquake Whereas, Baig et al, essay on earthquake in pakistan.
Karim et al. The Astor Valley Earthquake with magnitudes 5. They also suggested that earthquake foci situated in an uncoupled region, in response to the gravitational pull due to internal gravity sliding, which arecontradictory to the general trend of the local tectonics dominated by collisional tectonics, mostly strike-slip and thrust faults. Seeber and Armbrusteron the other hand, linked the seismicity of the Hazara arc with steeply dipping basement faults, Indus-Kohistan Seismic Zone with underthrusting and low seismicity in the Potwar and Bannu Basins with decollement aseismic creep. They suggested rare large earthquakes. Mona Liza et al.
Avouac et al. However, this is not confirmed in deep seismic profile of the area Belousov et al. The seismic activity affecting the thickly-covered lower Indus Basin and the Balochistan basins as well as the coastal areas are less studied than the northern part of the country. However, Allah Bund and Bhuj magnitude 7. The Makran Fault zone is considered the subduction zone between the Arabian Plate and the Afghan Fault. Oranch-Nal transform fault perpendicularly separates the Kutch-Makran fault zone and makes a triangle of the Indian and the Arabian Plates.
The Afghan Block in the west of Karachi has low seismicity as compared to the Hindu Kush Zone. Though thrust faults in thick sediments run along the Makran coast zone Quittmeyer et al. The Makran zone is characterized by negative and positive Neotectonic movements with amplitude of meters Chistyakov, and strong earthquakes are confined within the Makran coastal foredeep with negative Essay on earthquake in pakistan movements. The earthquakes magnitude 7, essay on earthquake in pakistan. It confirms the conclusion of Solovieva Kutch seismicity is under the control of graben structures in NW and NE direction, and regional faults separate a graben in Kutch from the Lower Indus Basin Fig.
Schematic plate tectonic sketch map showing the Karachi Arc and its regional tectonic framework. Kar Arc: Karachi Arc, KTJ: Karachi triple junction. KK: Khuzdar Knot, MR: Murray Ridge, NPU: Nagar Parker uplift after Sarwar, with modification.
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Home - Pakistan - Essay on Earthquake in Pakistan in English Urdu. Earthquake is one of those natural disasters that create huge destruction. It is originated by the movement of plates or rocks under the surface of the earth. And it is also supposed that when there is an enormous rise in temperature beneath the earth surface then the volcanoes explode abruptly and then as a result that specific area begun to tremble. Some earthquakes cover very short range whereas some cover large distances and cause huge loss. It is also seen that after the biggest earthquake, there are greater chances of aftershocks in the same region which also bring fear among people. Since the birth, this country is facing different problems in terms of both natural disasters as well as man-made.
The analyst claims that the Pakistan is located on extremely dangerous line that may put our beloved country into more risk. Whereas In Pakistan, the main hub of earthquakes are mostly western and northern parts of the country, besides to Iranian and Afghan micro-plates and boundary of Indian plates. Till now the deadliest earthquake in the Southeast Asia was came in Quetta, Baluchistan in At that time the population was very small and the buildings were not so big and in the large amount. Although, it was the deadliest one because it almost empties the whole city, people were buried under the earth and the condition was more than worse.
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