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Moral courage essay

Moral courage essay

He shows moral courage with this example It is sometimes our unpleasant duty to tell a friend plainly about his faults. Furthermore, after continuously witnessing African Americans be treated unfairly, Maya Angelou felt the need to stop these injustices through peaceful means. Search in content. Essay Eloisa to Abelard, moral courage essay, Eternal Sunshine of

Extract of sample "Moral Courage: Responsibilities of Healthcare Professionals"

Moral courage is a very important personality trait for a healthcare administrator to possess because the decision-making process in the industry is very morally-oriented. The decisions require that an individual should be very morally upright and make very difficult decisions that may negatively or otherwise affect involved parties. A healthcare administrator is tasked on occasion to make decisions that tread on the very thin line between moral courage essay and professional ethics to make the soundest decision for either the organization they represent, the patients, or employees regardless of the dire consequences. The number of challenges that healthcare organizations face is unparalleled, and as such, they require people with integrity and unwavering moral courage.

They ensure that the ethical and legal boundaries that safeguard the lives of patients and ensure healthcare quality are maintained. The dilemmas that are associated with healthcare are very particular, moral courage essay, and moral courage is a very important seeing as an administrator could lock horns with the different parties involved. Administrators ought to fulfill certain commitments, responsibilities, and obligations to patients, colleagues, moral courage essay, and healthcare parties, and as such, moral courage essay, they are moral advocates and models who uphold the legal and ethical behavior of the profession American College of Health Care Executive, The decisions made in the healthcare industry are more vital than in other industries because their outcomes and consequences are defined in regards to life and death, as well as the safety of patients and others served.

Additionally, the decisions made by the health care administrators require that the actions decided to uphold and promote the mentioned rights and safety and point out high personal integrity, ethical leadership, and interpretation. Moral courage is very important to all healthcare administrators, because it is not only an admired virtue but because it moral courage essay an individual exhibit and endure strong emotional pain, disapproval, moral courage essay, and other uncertainty, especially, when going against powerful and unethical leaders within an organization. Moral courage is accompanied by integrity, and administrators must have the unparalleled integrity to be able to resist tempting but unethical decisions that affect both the people they work with, work for, and their patients.

Moral courage is admired by people as they often admire administrators with strong moral grounds regardless of how certain ethical decisions affect their professional or personal life. The decisions and ethical behavior exhibited by a healthcare administrator have adverse effects on the organization; both positively and contrary, depending on the direction the decisions are edged. When a leader forges ethical and legal behavior among his team, then, they are forced to emulate the same behavior regardless of the emotional, financial or other repercussions on their life. It also forges a culture moral courage essay decapitates harassment, coercion, and discrimination of both the staffers and the patients because moral courage dictates that all parties in the industry are treated equally, ethically, and with respect regardless of their position in the hierarchy.

Moral courage is a personal attribute that is paramount to upholding the rights and freedoms of all the parties involved in the healthcare industry. Despite causing emotional discomfort, it ensures that the decisions made serve both the interests of moral courage essay organization and the patients. It is a highly admired moral courage essay attribute in administrators because it ensures that the decisions made are ethical, legal and ensure the safety of the patients and the quality of care. American College of Health Care Executive, moral courage essay. ACHE Code of Ethics. Retrieved January 16,from www. Nelson, W, moral courage essay.

Building an ethical organizational culture. Health Care Manager, moral courage essay, 33 2 Teitelbaum, J. Law, ethics, and policy in healthcare administration Custom Ed. You can place an order similar to this with us. Use the order calculator below and get ordering with accurateessays. com now! Contact our live support team for any assistance or inquiry. Essay Term Paper Research Paper Coursework Book Report Book Review Movie Review Dissertation Thesis Moral courage essay Proposal Research Proposal Dissertation Chapter - Abstract Dissertation Chapter - Introduction Chapter Dissertation Chapter - Literature Review Dissertation Chapter - Methodology Dissertation Chapter - Results Dissertation Chapter - Discussion Dissertation Services - Editing Dissertation Services - Proofreading Formatting Admission Services - Admission Essay Admission Services - Scholarship Essay Admission Services - Personal Statement Admission Services - Editing Editing Proofreading Case Study Moral courage essay Report Speech Presentation Math Problem Article Article Critique Annotated Bibliography Reaction Paper PowerPoint Presentation Statistics Project Multiple Choice Questions None-Time-Framed Other Not listed High School Undergraduate Master Ph.

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References American College of Health Care Executive. cfm Nelson, W. Type of paper Academic level Subject area Essay Term Paper Research Paper Coursework Book Report Book Review Movie Review Dissertation Thesis Thesis Proposal Research Proposal Dissertation Chapter - Abstract Dissertation Chapter - Introduction Chapter Dissertation Chapter - Literature Review Dissertation Chapter - Methodology Dissertation Chapter - Results Dissertation Chapter - Discussion Dissertation Services - Editing Dissertation Services - Proofreading Formatting Admission Services - Admission Essay Admission Services - Scholarship Essay Admission Services - Personal Statement Admission Services - Editing Editing Proofreading Case Study Lab Report Speech Presentation Math Problem Article Article Critique Annotated Bibliography Reaction Paper PowerPoint Presentation Statistics Project Multiple Choice Questions None-Time-Framed Other Not listed High School Undergraduate Master Ph.

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To add on, before he was slain, Angelou also helped Malcom X form his organization of African American Unity, an alliance which helped unify the non-Muslim African Americans with the people of Africa, reconnecting them with their roots and heritage. She serves as a reminder to African Americans that anything is possible and to continue striving for the better. Her work with Civil Rights in particular, has shown others the power of speaking up and given them a voice to fight for themselves. Ultimately, the activities Maya Angelou did, revealed the daily struggles African Americans tolerated and prompted them towards a better future. Her stories, speeches, organizations, and fundraisers demonstrated her dedication to helping others and the endless courage she had, overcoming many obstacles till she become a recognized spokesperson for African American rights.

It does not reflect the quality of papers completed by our expert essay writers. To get a custom and plagiarism-free essay click here. We are glad that you like it, but you cannot copy from our website. Just insert your email and this sample will be sent to you. We will occasionally send you account related emails. In fact, there is a way to get an original essay! Turn to our writers and order a plagiarism-free paper. Maya Angelou And Her Moral Courage. Category: Literature Subcategory: Writers Topic: Maya Angelou Pages: 2 Words: Download. Related Topics Of Mice and Men Essays To Kill a Mockingbird Essays Lord of The Flies Essays Beowulf Essays Animal Farm Essays. He shows moral courage with this example Man in the Water Courage is a great essential that is needed to be like the "Man in the Water".

Some people believe that courage means that you aren't afraid, that is not the case. Being courageous means that you look danger and fear in the eyes. Even though you are scared, you do what is right, you listen to the morals you were taught or at least learned about. He was around 50, not flamboyant, with a mustache. Once that plane went down and into the water, he took control. When the departments, in the jurisdiction of the crash, came to help. They started throwing life preservers to help the survivors. Every time the life preservers were thrown his was, he kept passing it onto the passenger beside him. This is his courageous characteristics. He realized that the plane was filling up, higher and His was not however pure unthinking courage - his physical acts of bravery: whether to inspire his troops on the Western Front on , seeking to further his reputation in the Malakand valley in or by Victoria Cross hunting at Diamond Hill in - where all designed to achieve something.

Churchill's determination to do the right thing and his belief that he was doing the right thing was unbreakable. As a young man he always believed that he would die young his father died age 43 and this may explain his near recklessness and physical bravery in early years. After passing the age his father reached, Churchill's in built self-belief that he was destined for great things continued to fuel his moral determination. This meant he was able to take the tough if still painful decisions necessary to win the war - for example his order to sink the French fleet at Oran after the French sued for peace with the Nazis and refused alternative options to scuttle or sail to neutral waters.

War is painful and tough - the leader has to be able to cope with this College Composition 1 My definition of courage is: Having the ability to perform under stressful and extreme situations that requires you to place yourself and safety to the side while assisting or standing up for people in an undesirable situation and there as a necessity and not fame. I also feel that with that said courage is also standing for your moral beliefs even when tested. I look at courage as something that is a must so that when you do cross the threshold you will have the ability to successful in your mission. William Crawford a janitor at West Point Military Academy is such a person, I believe that on the morning of September 13, Mr.

Crawford like anyone else in war was not thinking about courage but was scared for his brother in arms and his own safety. Crawford displayed his courage at the split second he decided to rush the 3 fortified machinegun nests and single handedly saving his entire unit, earning him the Congressional Medal of Honor. When the cadets at West Point discovered that their janitor was the recipient this prestigious award it changed their entire outlook of this very quiet and reserved gentleman. When Col. Crawford why he had said anything or shared his story, Mr. It is obvious that he had to show courage to complete this act or bravery for man who ever lived. One of the central issues in Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird is the idea of courage and the very different ways it can be displayed.

Atticus and Mrs Dubose play a large part in this for Jem, as he distinguishes the difference between physical courage and emotional courage; while the court case of Tom Robinson teaches Scout how moral courage is sometimes hard to find in Maycomb, however it is the most important type of courage to have. Firstly, during the orientation of the novel Scout and Jem both have an attitude that the only form of courage is physical; as in being able to use a gun or win a fight. An action is involuntary when it is performed under compulsion and causes pain to the person acting.

There are borderline cases, as when someone is compelled to do something dishonorable under threat, but we should generally consider such cases voluntary, since the person is still in control of his or her actions. Something done in ignorance may be called involuntary if the person later recognizes that ignorance, but it is non-voluntary if the person does not recognize or suffer for such ignorance. However, ignorance can excuse only particular cases, and not general behavior, since general ignorance of what is good is precisely what makes a person bad.

It seems the best measure of moral goodness is choice, because unlike actions, choices are always made voluntarily. We make choices about the means we use to achieve a desired end. Deliberation, which precedes choice, is directed only toward those means over which we have some control and only when the correct manner of proceeding is not immediately obvious. Deliberation proceeds according to the analytical method. We consider first what end we wish to achieve, and then reason backward to the means we might implement to bring about this end. In choosing, those of good character will always aim for the good.

However, those who are not of good character may understand things incorrectly and may wish for only the apparent good. Both virtue and vice, therefore, lie within human power, because they are related to choices that we It is an understanding that not everything that is faced can be changed, but that nothing can be changed until it is faced. Bravery means that we may hear things about ourselves that we do not like and may have to acknowledge our own limitations, but to fail to do so limits our growth. It means that we may have to say things that may be critical of others, but that we do so with the goal of accomplishing a peaceful resolution, we must be brave enough to do so. Though gentle by nature, the ferociousness of a mother Bear when one of her cubs is approached is the true definition of courage.

To have the mental and moral strength to overcome fears that prevent us from living our true spirit as human beings is a great challenge that must be met with the same vigor and intensity as a mother Bear protecting her cub. Home Page Other Topics. Admission Essays Annotated Bibliography Business Plan Case Study Coursework Dissertation Essays Personal statement Presentation Report Research paper Research Proposal Reviews Speech Term Paper Thesis. Samples March 18th, Moral Courage Moral Courage Name: Institution: Moral Courage Moral courage is a very important personality trait for a healthcare administrator to possess because the decision-making process in the industry is very morally-oriented.

References American College of Health Care Executive. cfm Nelson, W. Type of paper Academic level Subject area Essay Term Paper Research Paper Coursework Book Report Book Review Movie Review Dissertation Thesis Thesis Proposal Research Proposal Dissertation Chapter - Abstract Dissertation Chapter - Introduction Chapter Dissertation Chapter - Literature Review Dissertation Chapter - Methodology Dissertation Chapter - Results Dissertation Chapter - Discussion Dissertation Services - Editing Dissertation Services - Proofreading Formatting Admission Services - Admission Essay Admission Services - Scholarship Essay Admission Services - Personal Statement Admission Services - Editing Editing Proofreading Case Study Lab Report Speech Presentation Math Problem Article Article Critique Annotated Bibliography Reaction Paper PowerPoint Presentation Statistics Project Multiple Choice Questions None-Time-Framed Other Not listed High School Undergraduate Master Ph.

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