Sunday, January 16, 2022

Argumentative essay on police brutality

Argumentative essay on police brutality

Police brutality has a big whole on our society now today and explains why police do what they do The misuse of power can be a dangerous thing and many people in high position forget this. Crime, Law, Law enforcement, Police, Police misconduct, Police officer. Yes, you can sue for police brutality. In most cases, these incidents are revealed through video surveillance, online activist, civil right advocates and protest. These are argumentative essay on police brutality people who follow rules and helps in regulating them.

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When innocent people are killed by a police officer, we tend to get very upset, angry and in some cases retaliate against the police department. Many families in the United States alone, have been unfortunate in this matter and left to bury a loved one due to this the careless behavior of a police officer. In the eyes of the community, the police department is looked to be its protector. They are viewed as those who take an oath, put their lives on the line and do what need to be done to save lives and keep criminals off the street. Being a police officer has it advantages and disadvantages like many jobs, but learning to work the job with dignity and respect for everyone is a whole different ball game.

These are the times when the unlawful activities start to take a rise. Victims of police brutality come in a wide argumentative essay on police brutality of methods. Many times the police are not made to take responsibility for these actions because these case are often hid from the public eye. In a few cases, the victim is willing to bring a case forth but tend to back off when they fear retaliation. While other cases, the victim does nothing because they feel that nothing will be in the first place.

One prominent example of this is Betty Shelby, argumentative essay on police brutality. She is a white female police officer from Tulsa, argumentative essay on police brutality, Oklahoma. She was on duty one day when she came in contact with Terence Crutcher. This incident is just one of the many cases were people have lost their lives due to a police officer being trigger happy. These incidents have brought about the feeling of fear, insecurity and hatred towards an office that was designed to protect us. The first known case of police brutality was the Rodney Argumentative essay on police brutality beating in Los Angeles, California in This case made national headlines when the police involved in his beating were not found guilty of their acts even when the beating was caught on tape.

King, an African American man was ordered to get out his car. He complied with the orders of the officers and deliberately beaten and kicked just because of the color of his skin. Police brutality has taken many different shapes since this time but the fact still remains the same. Argumentative essay on police brutality people are losing their lives for absolutely no reason and the saga continues. Order custom essay Police brutality argumentative essay with free plagiarism report. The violence among the Argumentative essay on police brutality. citizens prompt the violation of human rights, argumentative essay on police brutality.

This is a national and institutional problem because police are protected by the United States with the use of guns, beating their victims, using techniques of choking along with the use of brutal pressure. For example, a man was stopped and beaten by the police. The acts of these police were very cold-hearted and only make up a small portion of the force they represent. In some cases police brutality is not always a physical act. There are many forms of police brutality such as, false arrest, verbal abuse, psychological intimidation, sexual abuse, racial profilingpolitical repression and improper use of pepper spray. Many victims choose to avoid the drama that comes with making accusations because they feel that it is only going to add more problems to their life.

People feel that in most cases they are going to be fighting a losing battle. Other keep quiet out of fear that they will be attacked again which has happened in some cases. According to some other reading, one guy has disappeared and his family believes that the city police kidnapped him and killed him to keep him from ruining their careers. Police violence in the United States has become a hazardous pattern. Many may wonder and speculate but no will every truly understand the negative attitudes these police officers have developed. It has been noted that these officers react towards specific races, genders, and religion. The Civil Rights Movement is just one of the many aspects of history that still causes many in the police force to act bitterly towards minorities.

Even though it seems so small it still plays a major part in the general public today. Statistics show that inpeople were shot and killed by police officers. Whereas inpeople were shot and killed, and the number is constantly growing. African American and Hipics have endured more brutal vitality from law enforcement than any other race. There argumentative essay on police brutality no logical explanation for this but it happens more than many actually report. The genre that is affected most are men, argumentative essay on police brutality. There have been some reports of women getting into altercations with police officers but not many wrongful deaths have been reported. Many police officers got over and beyond the call of duty to make sure the things they have done related to police brutality are covered up.

In most cases, these incidents are revealed argumentative essay on police brutality video surveillance, online activist, civil right advocates and protest. Many cases are handled this way while others are able to escape punishment, hide behind their units and get away with some very heinous crimes. Racial and sexual abuse has been a major subject of police violence for a very long time, argumentative essay on police brutality. According to the News Tribune and Courier News the departments have put in place programs that are designed to make sure that police brutality becomes history.

Policies should be put in place such as trainings to let officer know that if they engage in such crimes, they will be held accountable. Trainings such as these will show police how to de-escalate situations instead of fuel them. These trainings will also show the police how to engage and become a part of the community in which they are patrolling. They should include cultural diversitymental illness training, youth development, biases and racism. To totally understand the people they serve, they have to take the time to get to know them first. It takes a special officer to go into the community, stop at the local basketball court, shoot some hoops with the youth and find out about them.

A community is as strong as its leaders and some police officers have forgotten that they are leaders due to the power that has clouded their brains. The misuse of power can be a dangerous thing and many people in high position forget this. In conclusion, regardless of what the law requires of officers, police brutality and wrongful deaths have to change and drastically come to an end. The developing numbers of casualties is on a rise and very disturbing. Disturbing to know that police feel they have to right to take a life or beat a person just because they know they can justify it by covering up the truth.

This is unjust, not right and need to be stop with haste, argumentative essay on police brutality. Human rights are being violated every time an officer commit these crimes and get away with it, argumentative essay on police brutality. It is up to the people to stand on what they believe, march and make their voice heard when injustice surfaces. Justice starts with the people and the people are the ones who will have to do everything in their power to make sure the law if followed by everyone included law enforcement. This essay was written by a fellow student. You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it.

Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life. Police brutality argumentative essay. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Aug 04, Accessed January 7, comAug Police work is dangerous. Sometimes police put in situations that excessive force is needed. But, because some officers use these extreme measures in situations when it is not, police brutality. With increased attention being paid to incidents of police brutality, lawsuits being brought against both the officers and the government for which they work, and a focus on the psychological, argumentative essay on police brutality.

Human Rights and Police Brutality Police brutality is the use of any force exceeding argumentative essay on police brutality reasonably necessary to accomplish a lawful police purpose. Sometimes police put in. Legal Studies Outline some of the power police have to conduct an investigation. How does the current system balance the need for justice with argumentative essay on police brutality rights of citizens? American dollars into the Iraqi infrastructure. Police corruption is the misuse of police authority for personal gain. Examples include extortion for example, demanding money for not writing traffic tickets and bribery for example, accepting money in. Discretion is defined as the authority to make a decision between two or more choices Pollock, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible.

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Police brutality is a Imagine a time a person, that could be a loved one such as your dad or brother was getting arrested by the police and while the police was arresting your dad, they asked him to get out his I. and as soon as he was Black Lives Matter Police Brutality Racial Discrimination. African American, Black people, Causes, Miscegenation, Race, South Africa, United Kingdom, White people. Katrina and Police Brutality Hurricane Katrina was one of the top five deadliest natural disasters that have occurred. There were approximately deaths; however it was not just the storm that caused all of these deaths. There were many other reasons for deaths during Katrina Hurricane Police Brutality. Gun Control Murder Police Brutality. However, the ways in which people encounter experiences with the police affects the sense of belonging in communities.

Nevertheless, not much research has been directed to the issue Deviance Police Brutality. From slavery dating back to the 18th century to police brutality in the 21st century, race-related prejudice has remained constant, always being the nuisance that prevents the Black Lives Matter Police Brutality. African Americans and Caucasians live in completely different worlds when it comes to perceptions of the criminal justice system and the role that police play in society. The overall findings underscore the depth of distrust among a sizable majority of African Americans toward the police, Crime, Criminal justice, Officer, Police, Police corruption, Police misconduct, Police officer, Sheriff.

Throughout the years since then though, many cases and incidents involving Arrest, Crime, Criminal law, Law enforcement occupations, Police, Police officer, Victim. Police Brutality is more terrible then before, races to blacks and Hispanics. They profile them off their colors, they think all of them are killers animals. Police brutality has a big whole on our society now today and explains why police do what they do At a time when the nation faces a crisis of mass incarceration with more than 2 million people in prisons and jails, the personal story of one Bronx man is revealing just how broken the criminal justice system truly is.

The devastating story of Kalief Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. Freedom of Speech Essays Gun Control Essays Human Trafficking Essays Capital Punishment Essays Affirmative Action Essays Same Sex Marriage Essays Assisted Suicide Essays Censorship Essays Corporal Punishment Essays Child Labour Essays. Filter Show Graded Essays Only. Top 10 Similar Topics Prejudice Racial Profiling Broken Windows Theory Militarization of Police Police Police Officer Civil Rights Violation Jim Crow Laws Death Penalty Euthanasia. Got it. Haven't found the right essay? Get an expert to write you the one you need! Get your paper now. The acts of these police were very cold-hearted and only make up a small portion of the force they represent.

In some cases police brutality is not always a physical act. There are many forms of police brutality such as, false arrest, verbal abuse, psychological intimidation, sexual abuse, racial profiling , political repression and improper use of pepper spray. Many victims choose to avoid the drama that comes with making accusations because they feel that it is only going to add more problems to their life. People feel that in most cases they are going to be fighting a losing battle. Other keep quiet out of fear that they will be attacked again which has happened in some cases.

According to some other reading, one guy has disappeared and his family believes that the city police kidnapped him and killed him to keep him from ruining their careers. Police violence in the United States has become a hazardous pattern. Many may wonder and speculate but no will every truly understand the negative attitudes these police officers have developed. It has been noted that these officers react towards specific races, genders, and religion. The Civil Rights Movement is just one of the many aspects of history that still causes many in the police force to act bitterly towards minorities. Even though it seems so small it still plays a major part in the general public today.

Statistics show that in , people were shot and killed by police officers. Whereas in , people were shot and killed, and the number is constantly growing. African American and Hipics have endured more brutal vitality from law enforcement than any other race. There is no logical explanation for this but it happens more than many actually report. The genre that is affected most are men. There have been some reports of women getting into altercations with police officers but not many wrongful deaths have been reported. Many police officers got over and beyond the call of duty to make sure the things they have done related to police brutality are covered up. In most cases, these incidents are revealed through video surveillance, online activist, civil right advocates and protest.

Many cases are handled this way while others are able to escape punishment, hide behind their units and get away with some very heinous crimes. Racial and sexual abuse has been a major subject of police violence for a very long time. According to the News Tribune and Courier News the departments have put in place programs that are designed to make sure that police brutality becomes history. Policies should be put in place such as trainings to let officer know that if they engage in such crimes, they will be held accountable.

Trainings such as these will show police how to de-escalate situations instead of fuel them. These trainings will also show the police how to engage and become a part of the community in which they are patrolling. They should include cultural diversity , mental illness training, youth development, biases and racism. To totally understand the people they serve, they have to take the time to get to know them first. It takes a special officer to go into the community, stop at the local basketball court, shoot some hoops with the youth and find out about them. A community is as strong as its leaders and some police officers have forgotten that they are leaders due to the power that has clouded their brains.

The misuse of power can be a dangerous thing and many people in high position forget this. In conclusion, regardless of what the law requires of officers, police brutality and wrongful deaths have to change and drastically come to an end. The developing numbers of casualties is on a rise and very disturbing. Have you ever witnessed or know someone who has suffered of police brutality? People would never think that the men and women that are supposed to protect us are the ones abusing their power. Police brutality occurs when police officers use excessive or unnecessary force when dealing in certain situations with civilians.

There are many […]. Have police changed from one decade to the next? Police brutality has only changed in the way the abuse is viewed, but not in the way that it is committed or the motivation behind it. In the Martin Luther King era, there was acceptable police brutality in which African American citizens were blatantly assaulted, mistreated, […]. Police brutality refers to systematic misuse of authority and powers through the unwarranted infliction of bodily or psychological pain to civilians by law enforcers during their official duties. The routine enforcement of law using excessive force against unarmed civilians and the correctional misuse of facilities to manipulate, inflict, injure or subject a civilian to torture […]. Police brutality is the excessive or unwarranted use of force against civilians by law enforcement.

In most cases, the act of police brutality is also illegal. There are various forms of brutality, from assault to murder. Police brutality is a major human rights issue. The use of force against civilians can violate various rights people have, from the right to equal protection under the law, liberty, and security, to the right to life. In addition, police brutality contributes to mental health issues. There are various suggested reforms on how the policy brutality can be solved. One of the most significant issues is the fact police are using military-grade gear against unprotected civilians. For that reason, demilitarization is essential. Another thing that could help is adopting various policies that will limit how and when officers can use force. Yes, you can sue for police brutality.

If police abuse power, the officers and supervisors can face civil liability penalties, but they can also face criminal penalties. Various parties can be named in the lawsuit alleging police misconduct, from individual police officers to supervisors. In addition, the entire police department can be named in the lawsuit. The police brutality started in the late s and early s as it was permitted against the civilians who represented the challenge to big industries. The paper reported about the police beating of the citizen. The man was under arrest at the Harrison Street Police Station.

Police forces are supposed to be a shining beacon of law and order. Policemen and women uphold our justice system — they prevent crime and aim to bring those to justice who break the law. When you consider the police force, you envision a pure and vigilant team of people who constantly battle against criminals and problems in our society. Sadly, this is not always the case. Throughout the history of police forces around the world, there have been instances of police brutality and racial profiling. Police brutality is where a member of the force has used excessive violence in an unnecessary manner. This could involve the following actions:. In some areas of the United States, police misconduct has been aimed at African Americans — this has resulted in increased racial tensions and a distrust of the police force.

Understanding why police sometimes go too far is a complex subject. There could be many factors involved, including increased stress, poor training, and lack of discipline. We have to remember that members of the police force are put under an increased strain. Even the most law-abiding and professional person can be pushed to their breaking point. This, of course, does not excuse any type of police brutality! We understand that this subject can be tricky. This is why we have solutions to police brutality, and essay examples about this subject. You can browse our site and find an essay on police brutality categories for further reading.

Essay examples. Essay topics. Most popular essay topics on Police brutality prepared by our experts:. Police Brutality in Modern America A hoodie, Arizona ice tea and skittles. Black Lives Matter Movement Introduction In America, the issue of race has always been of actuality. Police Brutality and Racial Profiling The conflicts the cops get in to can at times get savage. Police Brutality against African Americans Many African Americans become victims of police brutality due to the systemic racism and criminalization of people of color. Ways to Stop Police Brutality While the term police brutality is normally connected with regards to causing physical harm, Police brutality is a standout amongst the most questionable issues of the present day, having turned into an ever-display argument as of late.

Question of Police Brutality Police Brutality: A Bitter Outcome Proceeding the Relationship Between Frustrations and Aggression This article examines the nature and scope of police brutality and the various strategies tried to reduce and punish police misconduct in the USA.

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