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Sample history essays

Sample history essays

History Topics. The s were characterized as a prosperous and conformist decade for many reasons. When in doubt, sample history essays, always solicit opinions from your professor. Ask yourself whether or not it is part of a certain tradition in historiography and is it in response to a particular idea. It was not untilthat Christopher Columbus arrived and gave the country the name, Costa Rica, translating to […]. Compile your research and sample history essays notes and develop the structure and the flow of the said essay from there.

The Ultimate List of Historical Events to Write about

Our past shapes the way we act in the future. For instance, if we did not learn about the devastating attack on the World Trade Center where planes were hijacked and flown directly […], sample history essays. The current methods and knowledge on public speaking are drawn from the Western and Ancient Greece methods of public speaking. Public speaking and communication form the foundation of the society since it allows the people to interact with others thereby forming connections, influencing the decisions taken and motivating change in the society. One of the […]. Introduction The Salem Witch Trials were a group of US trials and prosecutions that resulted from the paranoia of townspeople in which two hundred people were accused of witchcraft and nineteen were hanged. The trials took place sample history essays colonial Massachusetts over a nearly 7-month period in the years of and sample history essays The colony would […].

World War II was one of the most influential events in world history. Not only did it shape the way the modern world works, it influenced the multitude of governments within it and changed the course of history. There was 16 allied nations fighting with 7 axis nations killing 40, to 50, people making it […]. The Vietnam war was a conflict between the north and south sample history essays governments and the time span of this war began from all the way down to the year of fighting in the locations or North Vietnam, sample history essays, South Vietnam, sample history essays, Cambodia, and Laos.

One important fact was the south of vietnam had an ally […], sample history essays. Many do not know that slaves came before and they were treated as and that many were freed in their lifetimes. Slaves in the seventeenth century were much […]. An eventful time in American History, full of pride, bloodshed, self-realization, and building of an independent nation. A nation was fought for and built, sample history essays, created things, the very things that make America the great country it is today. A rebellion sample history essays change the world, in a matter of nearly a decade of unrest and hostility, sample history essays. The ancient Egyptians started mummification over years ago! The embalmers, scribes, and cutter, who were all part of the process, worked for over two months to mummify the pharaohs and important people.

Mummification is a crazy, but interesting idea from the process of mummification to who they decide to mummify. History of Mummification The […]. A profound turning point in United States history between the period of was the American Revolution. It elevated recognition of social inequality, which drove some people and groups to call for the abolition of slavery and greater political democracy in the new state and national governments. This war can be understood in the historical […]. One of the most iconic female rulers in history, Cleopatra has made a name for herself by using her charm, wit, and cunning and rose to become the last active leader of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. She sample history essays known throughout history as a seductress who captured the hearts of two of the most powerful members of […].

Taking place in colonial Massachusetts, the trials began in late February and lasted through May of There were at least twenty-five people who died: nineteen of which were sample history essays by hanging, one person was tortured to their death, […]. Soldiers from a foreign country attacked them from the shadows. Thousands of young American men were killed in the forests deep in Vietnam. The national interest of America that Americans developed after the Yalta Conference encouraged us to join the Korean […]. The Vietnam War was iniated in November 1st and was finished on April 30 because communism was starting to grow in Vietnam and the U.

S wanted to keep it contained, sample history essays. At the time President Nixon was really worried that if Vietnam was to become communist other nations would soon follow and switch to […]. Wedged between Panama and Nicaragua, lies a small, sample history essays, culturally-rich country with a compelling history dating back centuries. Costa Rica is believed to be populated by indigenous colonies since 10, BC with Mayan and Aztec cultural influences, sample history essays. It was not untilthat Christopher Columbus arrived and gave the country the name, Costa Rica, translating to […]. The American Revolution, I choose this topic because this was one of the greatest impacts for America.

The American Revolution is considered as the most significant event in American history. Before America was what it is today it had the 13 colonies that were ruled by the British Empire. At the time, the British empire […]. The Greek Genocide started during and after World War I from to More specifically, the Ottoman Empire were the central antagonists that perpetuated this systematic extermination of millions of innocent Greek lives. Amongst the lofty death toll, other unfortunate consequences of […]. There have been several events in American history where people can recall the exact moment in time. John F. After the assassination, most people around the nation felt that John F. People felt this way because he was a popular president that fought […]. I was scared all the time.

Living in the current American culture makes it difficult to imagine, but sample history essays and acts […]. The fascinating history of the Industrial Revolution begins with a brief understanding of what Pre-Industrial Revolution life was like in the early s. Their success in farming was very weather dependent and they made everything themselves from […]. It is impossible to discuss the history of the battle for civil rights for Hispanics without including Black Americans. The battle for civil rights in the south, particularly in the state of Texas, is often […]. The Declaration of Independence has been justly celebrated since it was written and distributed on July 4, Yet one who reads it today cannot fail to be struck by a series of inconsistencies and even departures from morality.

This paper will […], sample history essays. The Black Death was a monumental epidemic that took millions of lives and spread its devastation sample history essays Europe and Afro-Eurasia countries. It was an infectious disease that affected a large part of Afro-Eurasia in the mid-fourteenth century with millions […]. Julius Caesar was born on July 13, BC. He was a controversial figure of ancient Rome. A military general and a Roman politician, he changed the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Over 6 million jews died all in one period of time, sample history essays. All those people died in the holocaust because of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi group.

The Holocaust changed the world forever, and is something we will never forget. Jews and many others had to experience harsh conditions, and the Holocaust made such a huge […]. Between the Mediterranean and Aegean seas on a peninsula lies the land of Greece. A land sculpted by mountainous terrain with limited farmable sample history essays led the Greeks to be avid seafaring peoples. Ancient Greece has a very rich history separated by various periods that denote their success and decline as a civilization. A rather unconventional […]. The Vietnam War has been known in U. S history sample history essays the longest and most controversial war, sample history essays. The United States became involved in Vietnam to avoid having the country fall to a communist form of government.

There were numerous fateful battles that claimed countless lives of those on both sides of the war. This war also […]. While the Great depression originated in […]. The Holocaust is one of the most horrific events to occur in the twentieth century, it lasted from to For years the question that still remains is was this final solution an intentional plan created by Hitler, made ahead of time or was it a last minute decision based off of the circumstances […], sample history essays. Surrounded by admiration, controversy, and legacy, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States.

Fifth of nine children, John was born May sample history essays, in Boston, Massachusetts. The Kennedy children enjoyed a comfortable childhood, Patrick Joseph Kennedy their father, was a successful business man ensuring his children were well provided for. Rose […]. This was one of the most tragic events that happened to natives on US soil, between the inhuman and unethical treatment as well sample history essays overuse of power for the gain […]. Don't know where to start? Give sample history essays your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert, sample history essays. Plagiarism checker Do the check, sample history essays. Writing Help Ask for help, sample history essays. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay.

Why is History Important? Importance of Public Speaking in History The current methods and knowledge on public speaking are drawn from the Western and Ancient Greece methods sample history essays public speaking. History of the Salem Witch Trials Introduction The Salem Witch Trials were a group of US trials and prosecutions that resulted from the paranoia of townspeople in which two hundred people were accused of witchcraft and nineteen were hanged. World War II as the most Influential Events in History World War II was one of the most influential events in world history. The Vietnam War in History The Vietnam war was a conflict between the north and south vietnam governments and the time span of this war began from all the way down to the year of fighting in the locations or North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos.

An Eventful Time in American History An eventful time in American History, full of pride, bloodshed, self-realization, and building of an independent nation. History of Mummification The ancient Egyptians started mummification over years ago! American Revolution in United States History A profound turning point in United States history between the period of was the American Revolution. An Iconic Female Ruler in History — Cleopatra One of the most iconic female rulers in history, Cleopatra sample history essays made a name for herself by using her charm, wit, sample history essays, and cunning and rose to become the last active leader of the Ptolemaic Kingdom. A History of Costa Rica Wedged between Panama and Nicaragua, lies a small, culturally-rich country with a compelling history dating back centuries.

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You might also briefly summarise two or three of your main points. By the height of the Middle Ages, feudal lords were investing significant sums of money by incorporating concentric walls and guard towers to maximise their defensive potential. These developments were so successful that many medieval armies avoided sieges in the late period. Following Britain's official declaration of war on Germany, young Australian men voluntarily enlisted into the army, which was further encouraged by government propaganda about the moral justifications for the conflict. However, following the initial engagements on the Gallipoli peninsula, enthusiasm declined.

The political activity of key aboriginal figures and the formation of activism organisations focused on indigenous resulted in a wider spread of messages to the general Australian public. The generation of powerful images and speeches has been frequently cited by modern historians as crucial to the referendum results. While Marius is best known for his military reforms, it is the subsequent impacts of this reform on the way other Romans approached the attainment of magistracies and how public expectations of military leaders changed that had the longest impacts on the late republican period. The final sentence of your introduction should prepare the reader for the topic of your first body paragraph. The main purpose of this sentence is to provide cohesion between your introductory paragraph and you first body paragraph.

The early development of castles is best understood when examining their military purpose. The naïve attitudes of those who volunteered in can be clearly seen in the personal letters and diaries that they themselves wrote. The significance of these people is evident when examining the lack of political representation the indigenous people experience in the early half of the 20 th century. Once you have written all four parts of the BHES structure, you should have a completed introduction paragraph. In the examples above, we have shown each part separately. Below you will see the completed paragraphs so that you can appreciate what an introduction should look like. Castles were an important component of Medieval Britain from the time of the Norman conquest in until they were phased out in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Medieval castles were designed with features that nullified the superior numbers of besieging armies, but were ultimately made obsolete by the development of gunpowder artillery. The significance of these people is evident when examining the lack of political representation the indigenous people experience in the early half of the 20th century. Gaius Marius was the most one of the most significant personalities in the 1st century BC due to his effect on the political, military and social structures of the Roman state. Copyright © History Skills Contact via email. Home For Students For Teachers Studying History Historical Knowledge Background Knowledge Chronology Change and Continuity Causes and Consequences Significance Motives and Historical Empathy Researching 1.

Key Question 2. Background Research 3. Sub-questions 4. Source Research 5. Organise Quotes 6. Topic Sentences 7. Hypothesis 8. Draft Writing 9. Introduction Paragraphs. You can talk about its discovery in the late XIX, the incredible art of Knossos, and its numerous legends, including the famous Labyrinth. You can choose to write an essay on history of Indigenous Australians. The timeline of first humans populating Australia is full of mysteries, and their culture remains fascinating. An interesting essay can be written on the earliest universities. They were founded long before in Asia and Africa for educating government officials, and are a fascinating subject to explore.

You can write an exciting research paper on Alexandria — a city in Egypt founded by Alexander the Great. In ancient times, it was a city like no other, and had an enormous influence on the Mediterranean culture. Middle Ages are full of interesting history topics — for example, you can choose to write about medieval magic. One of the best topics on the history of explorations is the North Pole expeditions. It is full of dramatic events, and it took numerous failed attempts until the North Pole was finally reached in the XX century. The first English settlements in America are among the essential parts of the U. It includes stories of hardships of the first settlers, bad weather, hunger, and conflicts with native inhabitants. Napoleon is an incredibly interesting historical figure.

You can write a stunning paper on the rise and fall of his empire. You can focus on a specific era in your essay — for example, Victorian England. This period of history, both fascinating and terrifying, still inspires countless novels, movies, and T. Titanic is an excellent topic for an essay and a discussion. A cautionary tale about a luxurious ship that sank due to criminal negligence. Death of the Romanovs is an interesting history topic that is still being investigated. This gruesome story inspired many myths, including that of the survival of Anastasia. Similarly, you can choose an essay on the assassination of J. Learn about what caused it and what long-term effects it had on the American nation.

Similarly, the assassination of Martin Luther King was an enormous tragedy for the whole country. The circumstances of this event are still not entirely clear, and there are several different theories as to what happened. Chernobyl disaster is a fascinating topic that is very popular today. See what led to the tragedy, and what long-term consequences it had on nature and society. The fall of the Berlin Wall is a crucial event in modern history. You can write about life in GDR and FRG prior to the fall of the Wall and compare it to what happened afterward. Another history topic that you can choose for your essay is the history of berserkers. Education in the modern world. The new opportunities of the globalized world influence quality and expectations towards studying.

A historical essay can analyze the significant inventions that impacted education. For example, you may focus on the Internet. South African Apartheid. The racial segregation regime threw South Africa into poverty and conflicts. Your essay might discuss the historical events that led it. The founding of the United Nations. The history of the UN is a broad topic with many key events. You may also study the influence of countries such as the USSR on its establishment. Cultural trends during World War II. They also supported people when life was tough. In a research paper, you can choose and describe specific examples. Discuss the impact of entertainment during that period, or compare it to World War I. The road to the first national frame of government includes many events.

You can analyze the contents of the original Constitution articles based on their drafts. Changes in European economies following the discovery of America. Later, economic progress led the world to its current conditions. An essay that highlights these milestones can be fascinating! Fight against terrorism. After September 11, , the world enforced its war on terrorism. Governments applied measures such as peacemaking interventions to unstable areas. A historical assignment might include the most significant attacks. Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in The attacks were crucial events that finished World War II.

Your essay might address the events that led to the attacks. Urbanization in the US is an interesting essay topic. The most significant change took place in the 19th century. The railroads connected the whole country, and trading opportunities grew. Discuss why people moved from rural areas to cities and the consequences of it. History of railroads in the United States. Broad territories were the major obstacles to American economic development. In , the first railway journey took place in the US. The roads were rapidly built during the following century. A discussion these events is a fun historical assignment topic.

Immigration and scientific progress in the 20th century. Back then, thousands of Europeans were forced to migrate to the US. Many of them were responsible for important discoveries and inventions. Discuss its effect of immigration on science and technology in a historical essay. The three most important inventions of the 19th century. Typewriters, bicycles, and telephones were first made in that period. For an essay, you can pick the inventions based on their historical value. The stock crash in was the worst experience for the industrialized world at the time. Entertainment during the Great Depression played an essential role in supporting America. It is also an interesting historical topic to write about. Despite prolonged peace, governments still have political disagreements.

Choose two conflicting countries and identify the events that led to the current situation. The history of the LGBTQ community in the United States. Modern American society praises equity and respects the rights of minority groups. LGBTQ is a broad discussion topic influenced by past events. It might also be interesting to compare the US community to the European one. The global financial crisis of is a great modern history essay topic. An economy can crash for multiple reasons. If it happens worldwide, the effects are severe. An argumentative essay can be a basis for analyzing the causes of the crisis. Compare it to other economic disasters such as the Great Depression. Cultural progress led humanity to important social developments. One of them is the legalization of same-sex marriages.

Historical analysis can include a timeline of such marriages. Social activism related to the topic is an excellent basis for an essay. The Holocaust. Analyze the chain of events leading to it in a historical essay. How did it impact human rights enforcement during the post-war period? Space exploration in the 21st century is a historical topic that develops right now. An essay can highlight the milestones of space exploration after the Cold War. The history of Thanksgiving. Pilgrims established the holiday based on celebrating the harvest. An essay can also describe similar feasts around the world.

Another good history essay topic is Antarctica. The impactful exploration of ice lands only began in the late 19th century. Trace the past events and discoveries of the region in your historical essay. The history of infections. Our lives have changed in during the COVID pandemic. There were similar events in the past, where plague and flu diseases killed millions of people. In August , the US Congress ratified the 19th Amendment that gave women the right to vote. Many campaigns and protests preceded the event. The perception of women by society started transforming since then. An essay might describe the challenges leading to these changes. History of the Olympic Games is a fascinating topic for middle school. The legacy of ancient Greece was revived only in the 19th century.

If you need a world history essay topic, try writing about the International Red Cross. In , Swiss businessman Henry Dunant established the Red Cross. He was influenced by the terrifying experience of seeing thousands of wounded men at war. Weapon development during World War II. Military weapons contributed to technological progress in the 20th century. A research paper might focus on the weapons invented during the War. You can also discuss the impact of military innovations on post-war life. An essay on Korean history can analyze how one nation can change if divided into separate regimes. North and South Korea started making peace only in Try and determine the reasons for the separation and political instability.

Ku Klux Klan as a resistance movement is an important topic. Four million citizens nationwide joined the group in the s. Such popularity revealed the demand for change. A comparison to the medieval inquisition might lead to interesting conclusions. Globalization is another excellent history essay topic for high school students. The world has never had so many cultural and economic connections as it does today. Your essay can go through historical events that caused globalization. Or, you may analyze its benefits and downsides. History of climate change. In , the UN Climate Change Conference stated that the world is in danger due to human impact on climate.

A historical essay can focus on the environmental factors of the topic. Alternatively, you may trace the discoveries and studies about climate change. Labor Day is a national holiday first celebrated in the industrial era. It originated in the 19th century when workers spent 12 hours daily to earn the minimum wage. The history of the American presidency is a broad topic to write about. More than 40 people ruled the country and impacted all facets of America. For example, you may choose to evaluate education under different presidents. You can also compare democrats and republicans as presidents. It was as significant in the 15th century as the Internet was for modern history. An essay can reconstruct the events before and after the invention of printing.

Its impact on education and the economy are interesting points for discussion. The European Union has deep historical roots since the Empire period. An essay about it might cover the timeline of democracy established in Europe. You can highlight the changes that took place in the countries that joined the Union. Alternatively, compare the organization and its aims to other historical alliances. Modern religions are an intriguing subject for an essay. Discuss why people started updating the main religions in recent decades. Population resettlement took place multiple times in human history.

For example, thousands of Serbian Albanians were forced to flee Kosovo during the conflict. An essay that describes a migration can include the reasons for it. Compare it to similar occurrences, and discuss its outcomes. Ancient architecture is the most incredible legacy cherished by generations. Design patterns and colors of creations reflect the periods they were built in. For your essay, choose specific examples and mention the events associated with them. Research can include ancient European, Asian, or American architecture. Socialism as a political regime significantly impacted world history. Socialist movements took place in Europe and the United States. The Soviet Union was established under its conditions. Choose this interesting 20th-century essay topic and describe a country affected by socialism.

For example, China is still ruled by that regime. History of democracy in Africa. African history includes centuries of foreign occupation. Yet, its countries have recently started getting deserved independence. Algeria, Morocco, Namibia, and Zimbabwe only got their democratic government in the last 60 years. Historical research can analyze the influence of ex-colonizers on Africa. Or, you may choose a country to describe its journey from a colony to a democracy. History of South American countries. A research paper may also reveal how the nations were formed by combing two different populations.

The history behind the petroleum industry is an interesting basis for an essay. Thesis:Lewis and Clark Lake holds numerous types of fish that display different characteristics and therefore the lake forms a vital part of the American History. This article explores the topic of percid fishes which are freshwater derivatives of marine perciform. The fishes have undergone tremendous radiation and hence they comprise of species available in […]. The state of Texas attempted to argue that they enforced that section of their Education Code because it was intended to prevent […]. While the Great depression originated in […]. The Great Depression is a major event in American history impacted the lives of many Americans and others around the World.

Following World War I, the Great Depression brought pain, confusion, and suffering to a countless amount of Americans lives. Any hope Americans had at the time was lost because of this tragic event. Unfortunately, […]. This made the government create new programs called the New Deal it however failed to stop the Great Depression and these programs wasted a lot of money.. The Great Depression started in […]. Order now Our […]. As life got tougher, Hariet Tubman became a stronger woman. She was a woman with a mission because of her horrible childhood. She is known this day to be one of the most famous African American women in history due to her bravery to escape slavery, her work to save any slaves using the Underground […].

Many movements advocate against discrimination, prejudice, and forms of mistreatment based on gender, sexuality, race, and any aspects used by someone to make another looked down upon. The desired results of a movement do not occur overnight. For many people, movements took years to finally instill change, creating an impactful story behind every movement. Although […]. It all started when the new president, Thomas Jefferson, gave Meriwether Lewis the tedious task of exploring west from the new lands purchased from France and on toward west […]. The Lewis and Clark Expedition of was one of the most memorable and important missions in U. This crucial expedition was initiated by President Thomas Jefferson and executed by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in Lewis and Clark were asked to explore the lands west of the Mississippi at the request of […].

Our time being the United States of American without British rule has been two hundred, forty-two years, two months and nine day to be exact. Since that amount of time The United States fought for its own Independence that would significantly change our lives. Tragically speaking since our birth into something other than a country […]. One approach to keep up with dependability is to rehearse and apply moral allure. This […]. Due to the environment Anne grew up in, the mix of her home life, and events that were occurring all around her at the time, Anne was bound to see civil rights as […]. The Civil Rights and Equal Rights movement is one of many events that has transformed United States history.

It is recognized as a time of emergence for many well-known leaders who have left their mark. The Civil and Equal Rights era is also a time of many ideologies and philosophies to try and solve issues […]. Their definition and belief is that differing ideas, beliefs, convictions, and actions are what elevate the value of a particular group […]. It has come to my attention as of recent how devastating racism is today. Despite social laws and equality rights, racism still plays a huge part in society in the United States. There are many active hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan, Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and more.

Racism is difficult to define because […]. Human rights are rights to which all human beings are entitled, regardless of ethnicity, religion, skin color, or sex. One can defend the essential human rights of all people by being politically active. Martin Luther King jr was a minister and civil-rights activist who had a seismic impact on race relations in the United States […]. Black History Month is a time in which we celebrate the achievements of African-Americans leaders and acknowledge the prominent role of blacks in U.

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