Dumping chemicals such as fertilizers, pharmaceuticals and personal care…. As for myself, I always willingly acknowledge my own self as the principal cause of every good and of every evil which may befall me; therefore I have always found myself capable of being my own pupil, and essay on selfishness to love my teacher. Jonathan Swift, essay on selfishness. Modern Literature Quarterly, 35 2 html Thomas, K.
Human nature dictates that every action, no matter how selfless it appears, is inspired by a selfish reason. Selfishness is a personality trait that every human has. Despite what people may believe, selfishness is a part of us and is the driving force behind decisions we essay on selfishness. They live as if the effect of their actions is non-important. The public have said numerous of times that doing things for the sake of others and not for oneself is right. Which is ironic, because if you expect good things to happen to you as a result of you doing good for others is an incentive.
However, giving to charity just for the sake of others is deemed by the public to be selfless, and ethically correct. The facts seem to point otherwise. Our action as an individual is dictated by our conscience, this conscience tells us what is right or wrong, it is our moral compass. Being selfish, for many people, is evil. Selfishness is the key to happiness, according to Browne. Most of the population believes that putting others before oneself is key to happiness. Badass U Articles Summary Being Selfish is the Ultimate Selflessness Counter-intuitive, yes indeed.
And as a child, I would have vehemently argued against this. But as you get older you do get wiser from life experiences, essay on selfishness. And, unfortunately, I have learned this lesson the hard way. The truth is, whether you learn it the easy way or the hard way, that putting yourself first benefits everyone else, essay on selfishness. Essay on selfishness, a person must choose an action that yields the most happiness or pleasure, whether that pleasure is for them or not. By this, it is meant that although people are supposed to take action that essay on selfishness produce the greatest pleasure, the do not do so in a purely selfish manner.
Mill goes on to argue that the happiness of individuals is interconnected; therefore one cannot be selfish in such a way. Ayn Rand, Aristotle, and Selfishness Selfishness is an act that humans innately have implanted within them, essay on selfishness. Ayn Rand being a rational egoist had many moral beliefs, one being especially about selfishness. Thus it claims that when people essay on selfishness to the needs of others, they are doing so because they are expecting something in return for themselves ibid. Having said this, the basic or fundamental claim that psychological egoism makes is that all human actions are done primarily for selfish reasons. In the light of psychological egoism, many people will be shocked to middle of paper as humans whereas ethical egoism gives us choices essay on selfishness it prescribes what we essay on selfishness to do and we can choose to do it or not to whether the act is good or bad.
Thus, essay on selfishness, the clear and distinct difference is that psychological egoism is a descriptive theory while ethical egoism is a prescriptive or a normative theory. Conclusion In conclusion, both theories seem not to be valid. Anu Karavadi Mrs, essay on selfishness. Words do hurt people. Words can embarrass and humiliate Gallagher. Words are the basics of communication and self expression which can be harmful, but that does not allow it to be completely eliminated. Yes, words can be harmful, essay on selfishness, but how far can we go to make everyone happy.
Personal desire always triumphs the ide le to adjust to the situation and sometimes sacrifice personal desires. Because in order to succeed, one must be able to give up personal desires. Conformity is the choice that protects those who we care for, is ultimately the safer choice and lastly, is beneficial to the individual. Throughout this modern drama, the reader can pin point numerous occasions in which the characters of this text compromise their happiness. This is to protect hose who we care for, make the safer choice that also is beneficial to oneself. A good life worth living in my opinion requires serving and meeting the needs of others, as well as myself, essay on selfishness. We are expected essay on selfishness give unselfishly to our associates, essay on selfishness, friends, neighbors and family for good moral cause because it is purposeful in the end.
What would we reap from merely relying on our sole actions and how would that selfishness benefit us as a whole in society? This is where Kant and Nietzsche disagree on the definition of what is considered a good life, what is considered moral and who has the worth to decide upon it. I will begin with Kant, as he was the first to develop his theory of morality. Home Page Selfishness, essay on selfishness. Selfishness Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Selfishness Most of us assume that selfishness is both wrong and unhealthy.
But is this true? Selfishness means acting in one's rational self-interest. Contrary to popular opinion, all healthy individuals are selfish. Choosing to pursue the career of your choice is selfish. Choosing to have children—or not to have children—is selfish. Insisting on freedom and individual rights, rather than living under a dictatorship, is selfish. Indeed, even ordinary behaviors such as breathing, eating and avoiding an oncoming car when crossing the street are selfish acts. Without selfishnessnone o f us would survive the day—much less a lifetime. Selfishness does not mean self-destructive behavior. In other words, a car thief is not selfish. He has to run from the law constantly, something most car owners never have to do. Even if he escapes the law, essay on selfishness, he will not experience as much pleasure from possessing the car as would an honest person, essay on selfishness.
Lying to your spouse, or any loved one, is not selfish. The psychological stress of trying to "live the lie" of an extramarital affair—or any major secret—is enormous. A selfish person understands that honesty is the best policy and the least painful, in the long run. The opposite of selfishness is self-sacrifice. Self-sacrifice means giving up a greater value for a lesser value. Consider the example of a battered wife, who is married to an alcoholic husband who refuses to seek help. She stays with him for reasons o f "security" and "family stability. Consider the example of the hard-working student who allows a frien ient and doctor benef it from selfishness. In a rational society, selfishness is encouraged. A rational society is one where individuals are left free to pursue their self-interest.
In the process, essay on selfishness, everyone essay on selfishness. Rational selfishness means acting in your self-interest—and accepting responsibility for determining what truly serves your long-term interest. It is a nice alternative to a life filled with duty, drudgery and disillusionment. We live in a world which does not even recognize the option of rational selfishness. We are taught, from childhood, that we must be either self-sacrificing or thoughtlessly "selfish. Rational selfishness, if practiced consistently, is the means of living both a moral and psychologically essay on selfishness life. If you choose to recognize this alternative, such a life can be yours. Get Access. Satisfactory Essays. Selfish Vs Selfish Nature Words 3 Pages. Selfish Vs Selfish Nature.
Read More. Good Essays, essay on selfishness. Persuasive Essay On Charity Words 2 Pages. Persuasive Essay On Charity. Essay on selfishness is the Key to Happiness Accordirng to Harry Browne Words 3 Pages 1 Works Cited. Selfishness is the Key to Happiness Accordirng to Harry Browne. Being Selfish Is The Ultimate Selflessness Words essay on selfishness Pages, essay on selfishness. Being Selfish Is The Ultimate Selflessness. Better Essays. The Greatest Happiness Principle Analysis Words 3 Pages. The Greatest Happiness Principle Analysis. Ayn Rand, Aristotle, and Selfishness Words 2 Pages. Ayn Rand, Aristotle, and Selfishness. A Comparison Of Psychological Egoism And Ethical Egoism Words 5 Pages. A Comparison Of Psychological Egoism And Ethical Egoism.
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And, unfortunately, I have learned this lesson the hard way. The truth is, whether you learn it the easy way or the hard way, that putting yourself first benefits everyone else. Basically, a person must choose an action that yields the most happiness or pleasure, whether that pleasure is for them or not. By this, it is meant that although people are supposed to take action that will produce the greatest pleasure, the do not do so in a purely selfish manner. Mill goes on to argue that the happiness of individuals is interconnected; therefore one cannot be selfish in such a way. Ayn Rand, Aristotle, and Selfishness Selfishness is an act that humans innately have implanted within them. Ayn Rand being a rational egoist had many moral beliefs, one being especially about selfishness.
Thus it claims that when people respond to the needs of others, they are doing so because they are expecting something in return for themselves ibid. Having said this, the basic or fundamental claim that psychological egoism makes is that all human actions are done primarily for selfish reasons. In the light of psychological egoism, many people will be shocked to middle of paper as humans whereas ethical egoism gives us choices because it prescribes what we ought to do and we can choose to do it or not to whether the act is good or bad. Thus, the clear and distinct difference is that psychological egoism is a descriptive theory while ethical egoism is a prescriptive or a normative theory.
Conclusion In conclusion, both theories seem not to be valid. Anu Karavadi Mrs. Words do hurt people. Words can embarrass and humiliate Gallagher. Words are the basics of communication and self expression which can be harmful, but that does not allow it to be completely eliminated. Yes, words can be harmful, but how far can we go to make everyone happy. Personal desire always triumphs the ide le to adjust to the situation and sometimes sacrifice personal desires. Because in order to succeed, one must be able to give up personal desires. Conformity is the choice that protects those who we care for, is ultimately the safer choice and lastly, is beneficial to the individual.
Throughout this modern drama, the reader can pin point numerous occasions in which the characters of this text compromise their happiness. This is to protect hose who we care for, make the safer choice that also is beneficial to oneself. A good life worth living in my opinion requires serving and meeting the needs of others, as well as myself. We are expected to give unselfishly to our associates, friends, neighbors and family for good moral cause because it is purposeful in the end. What would we reap from merely relying on our sole actions and how would that selfishness benefit us as a whole in society? This is where Kant and Nietzsche disagree on the definition of what is considered a good life, what is considered moral and who has the worth to decide upon it.
I will begin with Kant, as he was the first to develop his theory of morality. Home Page Selfishness. Selfishness Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Selfishness Most of us assume that selfishness is both wrong and unhealthy. But is this true? Selfishness means acting in one's rational self-interest. Contrary to popular opinion, all healthy individuals are selfish. Choosing to pursue the career of your choice is selfish. Choosing to have children—or not to have children—is selfish. Insisting on freedom and individual rights, rather than living under a dictatorship, is selfish.
Indeed, even ordinary behaviors such as breathing, eating and avoiding an oncoming car when crossing the street are selfish acts. Without selfishness , none o f us would survive the day—much less a lifetime. Selfishness does not mean self-destructive behavior. In other words, a car thief is not selfish. He has to run from the law constantly, something most car owners never have to do. Even if he escapes the law, he will not experience as much pleasure from possessing the car as would an honest person. Lying to your spouse, or any loved one, is not selfish. The psychological stress of trying to "live the lie" of an extramarital affair—or any major secret—is enormous. A selfish person understands that honesty is the best policy and the least painful, in the long run.
The opposite of selfishness is self-sacrifice. Self-sacrifice means giving up a greater value for a lesser value. Consider the example of a battered wife, who is married to an alcoholic husband who refuses to seek help. Works cited Gray, John. Dawkins, Richard. Oxford university press, Feynman, Richard. Biblical principles that are related to our intellectual and spiritual education. They have a basis in the Bible both the New and the Old Testament and can be applied to our lives in many ways. Often times, as is shown in this paper, our own experiences bear out what these principles teach us. In this paper, a discussion of 10 Biblical principles and their relation to Scripture is provided. How these principles have applied to the writer's own life is also described.
Following these discussions are plans for how the ideas developed may be practically applied in life so as to give glory to God and better our own lives. The education of young students takes place not just on an intellectual level but also on a spiritual level. It is part of what character education consists of -- the formation of the mind and soul in terms of the…. References Gutek, G. Historical and philosophical foundations of education: A biographical introduction 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Lickona, T. The return of character education. Educational Leadership, 51 3 : A practical book review of Surrender to Love - Expanded Edition by David G.
Benner I. According to Benner, repentance is shunning the world and giving self to Jesus. On the other hand, the conversion is a life-long journey of change aiming to take the image of God p. According to Benner, this journey requires selflessness, unforceful, effortless, and unpretentious love towards God p. Development of problems and personal need The problems and personal needs characteristic to man, according to Benner are as a result of the fact that humans have spurned the love by God to be what they commonly refer to as freedom p. I realized that so much of my anxiety and trouble resulted from things I truly didn't care about. Who was that person who cared? I couldn't tell. It was a relief to find that beneath all the anxieties of daily life, anxieties propelled by rapid turnover and cliched expectations, that I had a personality.
Beneath all the extraneous troubles, I had a conscience that would lead me where I needed to go. Consequently, the peril of too much ambition also became clear to me. So much of life is spent idealizing far off things that when present seem to do little to enrich my life. The burning question of "and then what? Go to school. And then what? Get a job. I knew that even if all my goals and ambitions were to be at some point acquired, there would still be that…. Prisoner's Dilemma situations are more common than some might actually think they are, as most people often come across them in their daily lives.
Given the fact that Axelrod has a background in political science, he observed that PD is frequently encountered in the U. Senators are accustomed to helping out their colleagues, as they are perfectly aware that their assistance will materialize in their colleagues repaying them. The help that U. senators provide to their colleagues ranges from trading votes to attracting voters for them. One can actually claim that reciprocity is one of the most important factors in the U. Senate Axelrod, p. However, it appears that matters in the senate were not always like this, and, that just a few decades ago senators seemed more willing to support concepts like deceitfulness and falseness instead of assisting each-other. Surprisingly, people in the U. Senate have become….
Works cited: 1. Axelrod R. The Evolution of Cooperation. New York: Basic Books. Baert Wiener J. Global Environmental Regulation: Instrument Choice in Legal Context. Yale Law Journal Behreandt D. The Theory of Global Warming Proposes That Man's Activities Are Causing the Earth to Heat Up, but There Is Compelling Scientific Evidence That Does Not Support This Conclusion," the New American. Clemons E. Schimmelbusch H. How the respective societies responded to the various ideas? Socrates would have a dramatic impact upon society, as the various ideas he presented would become a part of the moral code that is often cited, as a part of basic sociology. A good example of this can be seen with social contract theory. The ideas of good and justice can be directly seen with how humans react to various situations they face, either consciously or unconsciously.
The underlying positive or negative experiences will shape how someone views the world around them. Those who can associate goodness and justice, to their actions will have the most positive effect, on the individual and within society. Over the centuries, this sense moral goodness has become a part of the moral standards within Western…. Bibliography Buddhism. Charleston, SC: Book Surge, In this case Ego seems at the end of her rope -- the puppet has fallen nearly to the floor and is dangling helplessly. The Emecheta images and metaphors are sometimes obvious, as this one is, but always effective. The reader is clearly aware of Ego's initial identity, and Ego's swift feet of lightness and intensity running in the misty darkness, presents a fluid sensation -- a hoped for escape.
She is running towards a new identity and when she hits the gravel road the color is of blood and water and she runs like this will be her duty forever, like someone is following her. The image of…. Works Cited Derrickson, Teresa. International Fiction Review Emecheta, Buchi. The Joys of Motherhood. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, Fishburn, Katherine. Reading Buchi Emecheta: Cross-Cultural Conversations. Santa Barbara,. If everything is an it you end up being an it. Does this imply a cold awareness of the self as a perishable being with limited powers or does it lead you to believe you can be a perfect robot able to manipulate nature and the world according to your specific needs and desires?
Being an it means having no soul. Having no soul implies being immortal. Being immortal implies that God does not exist. At that point man-it becomes the most powerful existing agent. But reality contradicts this assumption and the failures of the man-it can do nothing more but hurt him. Furthermore, the lack of faith and the failure of reason to provide answers regarding the questions " What is the truth? What is essential? Why do I exist? Having such an attitude as a life philosophy is unhealthy and very dangerous. Is there such a thing as retribution, though -- or at least does evil ever regret its actions. As the story ends, Misfit seems to be thinking about goodness and probably thinking that evil is not the answer to the problems in his life. At the end of the story Misfit regrets killing Grandma, and says that "she would have been a good woman if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life.
What are these consequences, though? If Mme. Loisel would not have been so determined to rise above her station and show off, or if she had been more honest and less presumptive, she would not have spent a…. Flannery O'Connor's Radical Reality. University of South Carolina Press. Certainly, the reason that some individuals become criminals has to do with biological predisposition, particularly in the case of many crimes of violence. On the other hand, circumstances, greed, desperation, and opportunity also play an undeniable role in many crimes. Social class and exposure to deviant subcultures also contributes to criminal behavior Henslin, ; Macionis, , but even so, those risk factors do not affect everyone the same; therefore, those approaches also fail to explain crime in many cases Henslin, ; Macionis, In some ways, the recent occurrences involving ernard Madoff and several other high profile white collar criminals do not seem to fit any of the traditional criminological theories other than rational choice and possibly psychological disorder.
These perpetrators were already the recipients of the considerable benefits of social class and opportunity and were already wealthy even by contemporary American definitions of wealth before resorting to crime to…. Bibliography Henslin, J. Essentials of Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach. Macionis, J. Sociology 9th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Schmalleger, F. Criminal Justice Today: An Introductory Text for the 21st Century. Hoboken, NJ: Prentice Hall. Indeed, businesses today pride themselves upon their charitable, humanitarian and environmental efforts. Indeed, the very concept of "social" and "corporate responsibility" is built around this. Businesses today are recognizing the importance not only of functioning at an optimal profit margin, but also of doing so in a way that recognizes themselves as part of a larger and integrated whole in terms of human beings and the environment.
Kenneth Lux adds a further dimension to these ideas. Rather than directly disagreeing with Smith, as was my first instinct to do, Lux analyzes the specific elements in what Smith says and identifies a specific oversight. Firstly, Lux notes that Smith does not give due consideration to the paradigm of cheating. Cheating is self-serving, but does not serve the public good and is certainly not beneficial for the economy. Indeed, if Smith's assertions about self-servitude were to be believed, not cheating would be…. As this meme passed down through generations, it became more pervasive and it also became more complete. When slavery in the New World began, both blacks and whites were enslaved, black slaves could gain freedom, and slavery was not a condition of birth.
However, as that changed, the memes surrounding African-Americans also changed. Not only were blacks seen as not equal to whites, but they were seen as incapable of becoming equal to whites. Therefore, when Jim Crow segregation was first challenged under the Fourteenth Amendment, the Supreme Court determined that separate facilities were not inherently unequal, despite overwhelming evidence that the facilities provided for African-Americans were factually inferior to those provided for whites. While this meme has been challenged by newer ideas and has, generally, not stood up to scientific, moral, and religious challenges, vestiges of it remain in almost every American person. As a result, many Americans, of….
References Corrales, J. pdf Catalano, J. Miller's play is very similar with respect to its main theme. Joe Keller also makes an economical decision at one point in his life: being in charge of the military equipment of the Air Force planes during the Second orld ar he provides the army with defective cracked cylinder heads. As a result, twenty one of the planes crash and all the pilots die. Thus, faithful to the American Dream of prosperity and wary of his family's finances, Joe knowingly ignores the possible consequences of his act. Years after this tragedy, Joe is still in denial, refusing to acknowledge any personal responsibility or guilt. Thus, the structure of the play is almost identical with that of the short story previously discussed. Joe refuses to take responsibility in two situations, not just one: first for the pilots, and then for the death of his own son, Larry who commits suicide….
Works Cited Hammond, Susan Hazen. The Kidnapped Wife and the Dream Helper. Gibson, P. Long Time Since Yesterday. New York: Samuel French, Miller, Arthur. All My Sons. New York: The Modern Library, Mildred tries to imitate the economical management in her own family. Like in Faye's case, whose marriage had been a "business arrangement," her own marriage to Monty has the same business character: Mildred chooses Monty for his relations that could help her daughter to make the most of her musical talent.
Also, Mildred's other attempt in getting a husband for money is telling for the way she is constantly selling or trying to sell herself, and not only her prettiness, but also her cooking talents. The analogy between her career as a waitress, and then a restaurant manager, trying to sell food and the way Mildred tries to sell herself as a wife to ally Burgan, using the same cooking talents as a weapon, is striking. It is here that we most clearly detect the parallel between private life and mass economy. Love, like in est's book, is nothing else…. Works Cited Cain, James. Mildred Pierce. New York: Alfred A Knopf Inc. Princeton: Princeton University Press, West, Nathanael. The Day of the Locust. New York: New Directions, social commentator, Thomas Frank, has published an insightful article in the February, issue of Harper's magazine assailing the members of what he describes as the privileges class in America failure to exhibit empathy and understanding for the plight of the working and middle class.
In the article, entitled "Servile Disobedience," Frank states, "The rich are different from you and me T. They are ruder and less generous. They don't get what others are thinking and apparently they don't really care. Emerson saw the United States as being infected with "selfishness, fraud and conspiracy Emerson. e need the rich to discover brotherly love, and fast. Works Cited Emerson, Ralph Waldo. The Essential Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. New York: Modern Library, Frank, Robert. Wall Street Journal. Frank, Thomas. Kraus, Michael W. Galapagos The Dangers of a Self-Aware, Big, Human Brains in Galapagos Kurt Vonnegut is always concerned with humanity's satisfaction with itself. Many of Vonnegut's books center around how humans believe they are the most divine creations in the universe and act from that presumption as well.
The arrogance is crippling. This is a main theme in his novel, Galapagos. Yes, the end of the world may be an event that is out of humanity's control, but more than likely, humans are going to contribute to their own destruction and have no one to blame but themselves. He values humility, compassion, and what it is to be humane, to have humane thoughts, and perform humane actions. Kurt Vonnegut writes to tell us that if humans do not become less selfish and more selfless as a species, it will be their doom. This is true for the novel Galapagos. People who lack…. References: Vonnegut, Kurt. Neither the General's instructions nor Pablo's reluctance, however deter Jordan from his commitment to the Loyalist cause.
Thus, with the aid of Pablo's courageous woman, Pilar, and his trusted guide, Anselmo, Jordan stays focused on the objective of blowing up the bridge. Indeed, Hemingway casts Jordan in the role of the archetypical war hero who is bent on accomplishing his task in spite of severe doubts over the viability of the mission and the sincerity of the Communist Loyalist leaders: "This was the greatest gift he had, the talent that fitted him for war; the ability not to ignore but to despise whatever bad ending there could be.
Robert Jordan, therefore, is the antithesis of men like General Golz and Pablo, thereby allowing Hemmingway to highlight the difference between idealism and cynicism; selflessness and selfishness. Besides confronting his own moral dilemmas, Jordan's mission is made more dangerous by…. Works Cited Hemmingway, E. wrong with this picture? The viewpoint being espoused expresses some wonderful ideas but fails to take into consideration the basic selfishness of man. Expecting the kind of cooperation and dedication that would be necessary to accomplish what is being suggested in this scenario is highly idealistic. It would require the putting aside of both national interests and personal interests on a scale much larger than that necessary for the United Nations to operate.
Suggesting that this might be possible is unrealistic. ather, the more reasoned approach is to allow the natural markets to develop. In the short-term, the world's energy supply system will remain essentially as it is for the next several decades except that the demand in growth will continue due to sustained modernization in China, India and elsewhere. This means that new sources of oil and other energy sources need to be developed alongside strides in energy efficiency. References Adger, W. Advancing a political ecology of global environmental discourses. Development and Change, Armitage, K. State of Denial: The United States and the politics of global warming.
Globalizations, Legal Questions. One touching simile described by Jeanie Burton in this sermon is that of a child coming into her father's room and climbing onto his lap. When the father asked the child what he could do for her, the child merely says, nothing, I just wanted to feel close to you, father. This is exactly what one will feel for God at this stage of loving Him. This shows one's ability to get out of one's own self in order to love God just for what He is. Love Grows Up The fourth stage of love as described by Bernard in his 'On Loving God' is that of love of one's self for the sake of God. This is an extremely surprising and radical viewpoint, and the fact that a theologian discovered it in the twelfth century is in itself quite amazing.
Jeanie Burton, the preacher of this sermon, stated that…. References Boeree, George. Erich Fromm, to Accessed on 18 January, Burton, Jeanie. Love Grows Up. February 1, Accessed on 18 January, Factoids from Church History: The Stages of Love. Christian History Institute. Accessed on 18 January, Is Love an Art? Art of Loving, Perennial Classics. Yet the reader can easily piece together this scenario: the harried working mother trying to find a spouse sends away her daughter so that as an unattached woman she can pursue romance and remarriage. That the daughter had been shuffled out of the way in favor of romance is made evident by the fact that once she returns she is severely marginalized by her mother's relationship with her stepfather.
For example, they frequently leave this little five-year-old home alone when they go out together at night -- something that by modern standards is considered abusive. In fact, Emily is obviously traumatized by this, and becomes frightened and delusional. This overwhelming fear is made worse when her mother gives birth to a second child. When her sister is born, Emily is entirely pushed aside in favor of the newcomer. One cannot easily justify her mother's selfishness in this case. When her…. Yet, we also see that he still does not understand the true origin of the beast -- the human within.
The fact that he dies before he is successful, yet the monster obviously goes off to end his own fate, indicates that the evil both originated, and eventually died with him -- the true source from which it sprang. Victor Hugo's Hunchback: An Illustrative Device In Victor Hugo's Hunchback of Notre Dame, there exists a strikingly similar theme -- if different in form. Although it is definitely true that Hugo's famous Quasimodo is a bit more innocuous than the Frankenstein monster, he nonetheless evokes a certain horror if only in appearance. Yet, much like in Shelley's work, Hugo brings out the monster that is human nature within the other character's interactions, motivations, and actions in the story.
There is little question that Hugo fully intended Quasimodo to evoke horror in…. Works Cited Baldick, Chris. In Frankenstein's Shadow: Myth, Monstrosity, and Nineteenth-Century Writing. Ebbs, Robert. htm Hugo, Victor. The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Online version. Fundamentally, the insurgents are fighting an enemy with superior weaponry, technology, and resources, so therefore, must seek avenues to mitigate these disadvantages. In other words, insurgent forces out vastly outdone in the traditional aspects of warfare, so they are forced to resort to unconventional modes of attack. Early in his book, the Army and Vietnam, Krepinevich provides the broad game plan an insurgent force must follow to achieve final victory: As developed by Mao in China and adapted by Giap in Vietnam, contemporary insurgency is a third world phenomenon comprising three phases: first, insurgent agitation and proselytization among the masses -- the phase of contention; second, overt violence, guerrilla operations, and the establishment of bases -- the equilibrium phase; and third, open warfare between insurgent and government forces designed to topple the existing regime -- the counteroffensive phase.
Works Cited Anonymous. Imperial Hubris. Washington, D. Page, xxi. Barringer, Mark. New York: Oxford University Press Available: www. Bush, George W. Butler, Smedley D. War is a Racket. New York: Feral House, The solution that Hardin proposes is that of a coercive method; as always he gives a lucid example to support the point that he proposes. Hardin reminds the reader that society mutually agreed to make it illegal to rob banks, rather than appeal to the sense of responsibility to those who wish to rob banks as a means of deterring them. Bank robbers real and potential know that very immediate consequences await them, such as police chases which could end in injuries or fatalities, jail time and other comparable results. These consequences are real and immediate because they're reinforced by the state, the judicial system and by the police force.
This form of coercion prevents more people from attempting to rob banks. Our natural resources of water need to be treated as though they're as valuable as banks filled with money. Dumping chemicals such as fertilizers, pharmaceuticals and personal care…. References Environmentalgraffitti, n. et al. Responding to Water Contamination Threats. These ideas introduced by Freud about the psychological price paid by people living in society would later be part of the views of several other 20th century sociological…. Man, the State, and War: a theoretical analysis Thoughtfully addressing the question as to why mankind enters war, international relations scholar, Dr.
Kenneth Neal Waltz, surveys classical and contemporary theories of the behavior of man found in the cross-discipline literature of Western civilization. His inquiry includes the works of philosophers, anthropologists, and psychologists. The first image is that of 'Man. The second image is "the State. The third image emphasizes international systemic factors. He depicts these factors as being in the state of "anarchy. In , numerous key educational institutions including the AASA American Association of School Administrators ; ASCD the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development , NAESP the National Association of Elementary School Principals , and the NASSP National Association of Secondary School Principals worked in the auspices of ISLLC, funded by the CCSSO Council of Chief State School Officers , to increase educational management standards.
The National Policy Board for Educational Administration used the ISLLC principles for accreditation, efficiently holding educational administrative training programs accountable for not only creating pre-service instructive leaders' knowledge of moral concepts and structures but also for budding their capability to apply such ideas and structures to make moral decisions that would optimistically affect the experiences of pupils. This is in line with the fifth criterion deals with morals, saying that "a school superintendent is an educational organizer who promotes the achievement of all pupils by acting with honesty, justice, and…. References Avolio, B. Leadership: Current theories, research, and future directions. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, Blanchard, K.
And Hodges, P. Servant leadership. Nashville, TN Thomas Nelson. Farling, M. Servant leadership: Setting the stage for empirical research. Journal of Leadership Studies, 6 , Fullan, M. The moral imperative of school leadership. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Jack proceeds to let the audience know "…the vital importance of Being Earnest. So this bothers critic Mary McCarthy, who complained that the play has the character of a "…ferocious idyll" and insists that the only moral alternatives offered by ilde are "selfishness and servility" Parker, By "deliberately distorting actuality" ilde is actually expressing what most people can see is a "comic version of the human condition," Parker writes in the Modern Literature Quarterly.
Parker explains that though McCarthy is using standards that don't really fit with a farcical play particularly in that era , she may be onto something with her assertion that the play is about selfishness because indeed the…. Works Cited Parker, D. Oscar Wild's Great Farce: The Importance of Being Earnest. Modern Literature Quarterly, 35 2 , Princeton University. Restoration Comedy. The Importance of Being Earnest. Pope and Swift: Satirists of Their Day In Swift's Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift and Pope's An Epistle to Arbuthnot, the authors seem to vindicate their use of satire, while satirizing others.
Alexander Pope, in his preface to An Epistle to Arbuthnot, identifies the motivation of the poem as a response to attacks on his "Person, Morals, and Family" and to give "truer information" of himself Pope Pope warns readers that many would recognize allusions to them in it, "but I have, for the most part spar'd their Names, and they may escape being laugh'd at" Pope In , shortly before Pope wrote his Epistle, Pope's friend Jonathan Swift completed Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift and published it almost a decade later in After his friend Esther Johnson died, the theme of death "became a frequent feature in Swift's life" Wikipedia, Bibliography Deutsch, Helen. The "truest copies" and the "mean original:" pope, deformity, and the poetics of self-exposure.
Eighteenth-Century Studies, Vol. Fischer, J. The Review of English Studies, New Series, Vol. Jonathan Swift. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. An Epistle to Arbuthnot. Jack Lynch. Boy Nicholas Hornby's About a Boy centers on the relationship between year-old ill and year-old Marcus. The novel is based, in part, on author Hornby's experiences teaching groups of "alienated kids" in Cambridge, England which adds to the palpable reality of the emotions in the story Knowles Both of the two males exist along on the margins of society, neither performing up to his potential because of a combination of laziness and fear, coupled with a dysfunctional home life which separates them from the majority. ill makes the choice to separate himself because he has enough money to pay for a lifestyle that he enjoys without having to work or accomplish anything.
Marcus, on the other hand, has been more or less forced into the margins of society because of his mother, his lack of a father, and a less than traditional upbringing. These men, or soon to be…. Works Cited: Hornby, Nick. About a Boy. New York: Riverhead, Knowles, Joanne. Nick Hornby's High Fidelity: a Reader's Guide. Lea, Daniel. Roger Webster. Munat, Judith. Lexical Creativity, Texts and Contexts. Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins. arrie's epic fantasy, Peter and Wendy, three children from Victorian England set off for a distant paradise of endless boy-centered adventures called 'Neverland'. This land that can be reached by Peter Pan's nonsensical directions, "second to the right, and then straight on till morning" arrie 24 , represents an upside-down world where the codes of Victorian England can be deeply analyzed and challenged.
arrie utilizes the various characters and situations to illustrate how the ritish society of his time left no room for imagination, romanticism, or simple fun, which alienated men from their children and discouraged the latter from ever wanting to 'grow up' and become 'responsible'. Moreover, arrie illustrates the unjust roles that women are forced to play through the context of the story's matriarch, Wendy Darling. From knowledge of arrie's personal life and his usage of subtle, yet potent symbols…. Bibliography Barrie, J. London: Penguin, Birkin, Andrew. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Christ Was and How it Relates to His Work To be a Christian fundamentally means to believe in Christ, in the person of Jesus. There are many different types of Christians, including aptists, Catholics, Evangelicals, and Lutherans.
Christians believe that there is only one God, and that God is a Trinity of God the Father, Christ the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This is not an example of three Gods tri-theism , nor is it an example of one God changing forms modalism. Instead, to Christians, God has eternally existed as one essence with three persons. Since Christ is the second person of the Trinity, Christians believe that Christ has eternally existed as well. Jesus Christ was "God with skin on. Bibliography McDermott, B. O Word Become Flesh: Demensions of Christology.
Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, McGrath, A. Christian Theology: An Introduction. Cambridge, MA Blackwell, Dolan, Jay P. The American Catholic Experience: A History from Colonial Times to the Present. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Tune with the Infinite: Or, Fullness of Peace, Power and Plenty, by Ralph Waldo Trine. Specifically, it will report on the book, giving an overview of the book with some mention of the key ideas in each chapter, and finishing with a positive conclusion. IN TUNE WITH THE INFINITE Author Ralph Waldo Trine opens his book with this statement in the Preface: There is a golden thread that runs through every religion in the world.
There is a golden thread that run through the lives and the teachings of all the prophets, seers, sages, and saviours in the world's history, through the lives of all and women of truly great and lasting power. All that they have ever done or attained to has been done in full accordance with law. What one has done, all may do. This same golden thread must enter into the lives of all who today,…. Bibliography Author not Available. In Tune with the Infinite: Or, Fullness of Peace, Power and Plenty. New York: Dodge Publishing Company, Not only is the phrase self-love used as synonymous with the desire of happiness, but it is often confounded with the word selfishness, which certainly, in strict propriety, denotes a very different disposition of mind.
The light is mainly on the main character, Okonkwo, who begins his search for self-perfection at a very young age. He was highly unimpressed with his father and vowed to never to be like him. Okonkwo and his family suffered through trying times but he eventually beat the odds and was very successful as the leader of the tribe. However, on beating his wives, he disobeyed the gods by refusing to offer animal sacrifice. The gods gave him a severe punishment. He was extremely selfish…. A movie based on the theme of self-love is the animated comedy called Shrek, about an ugly green ogre who's on a quest to rescue a princess for the egocentric lord who simply wants her because he feels she is perfect for his kingdom.
However, Shrek sees the inner beauty in the princess and they develop mutual respect and also fall in love. Although, this movie is based on the concept of self-love, it also deals with the importance of couples accepting each other as they regardless of the faults they have in each other. As for myself, I always willingly acknowledge my own self as the principal cause of every good and of every evil which may befall me; therefore I have always found myself capable of being my own pupil, and ready to love my teacher. Giacomo Casonova. These values might seem obvious to some, but they are actually values which so many religious institutions may preach, but not practice at all in their religious thought. Ultimately, those who view themselves as spiritual but not religious don't feel that faith can be shoved into scientific or empiricitic frameworks, and these same individuals reject the notion that all is real and can be known: rather these individuals believe that love, kindness, generosity, awe and wonder are some of the most important pillars of life and that it's nearly impossible to put these aspects in a box or encompassed in black and white thinking of certain religious dogmas.
Many people who ascribe to this belief system truly do believe that there are secular movements in the world today which have similar spiritual foundations, but that many of these religious movements are just out of touch with those foundations NSP, References Brown, C. Spiritual but Not Religious an Oxymoron?
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