Tuesday, January 25, 2022

If i was the president essay

If i was the president essay

I know I might be wearing rose colored glasses, but if people truly treated others as they want to be treated, the world would be a better place for everyone, if i was the president essay. To improve our education system, I have carefully considered the following actions; training schools for teachers must be updated to more widespread teaching techniques. Pass laws creating non partisan redistricting commitees to make elctions competitive and get congressmen willing to work in congress. JAMES Q. The Civil Rights Act of helped to reinstate what the amendments tried to do early in history, but there is still much to be done. America needs to inspire a new generation of risk takers. Yet, even now "people sleep peaceably in their if i was the president essay at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.

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The elections were the subject of much debate over who would make the best president. Of course, there are plenty of people who are glad he was given the job over the other candidate. Do you think you could do a better job? If I were president, I would take the emphasis off of racial ethnicity and class and place it back where the Constitution began, which is that everyone was created equal. At the same time, America is a welcoming country and people should be taking the proper steps to become a legal resident of the country. Those with enough would be compelled to share and those who were lacking would get the help they need.

The amount of food that is thrown away in America is appalling when so many people are going without a meal. Grocery stores could give their surplus or less than perfect looking produce to food banks. Restaurants could donate end of the day leftovers to food kitchens or homeless shelters. Never again would a child have to feel the pains of being hungry. Parents would support teachers and teachers would support parents. Neither would be against the other and each would be focused solely on the education of the child and ensuring that he or she has a bright future.

Funding would be pulled from politicians paychecks to help pay for the needs of every school. Teachers would be properly trained to work with students of all kinds and would be paid accordingly. If I were president, the environment would become a top concern. People would be motivated to recycle and reuse things so that landfills could be kept from taking over their communities. Research dollars would be allocated toward developing environmentally friendly fuel sources and people and companies would be compensated for if i was the president essay solar panels and other if i was the president essay that are better for the environment. Protecting our world is important for future generations and educating the public about what they can do to help would be a top priority.

If I were president, kindness would prevail and people would treat those around them with love, respect and basic courtesy, if i was the president essay. I know I might be wearing rose colored glasses, but if people truly treated others as they want to be treated, the world would be a better place for everyone. Not everyone can become the president, but if those that do were better at doing what the people need and trying not to be ruled by money, every citizen of the country would benefit in a big way. Get more free essays Which categories were useful to you?

Admissions Career Courses Essay samples Writing tools Writing guide Useful resources. Most useful resources for students: Free Essays Download Writing Tools List Proofreading Services Universities Rating. Contributors Bio Lona Glenn Los Angeles Lona graduated from Los Angeles City College. While being a lecturer in several high school institutions Lona founded an online educational project Tutorsclass. Read more, if i was the president essay. Maria Castle Davis, CA I studied education and currently work as a tutor for school-age children.

I've worked as a volunteer in many different international social projects and as a camp counselor every summer. Find more useful services for students Free plagiarism check Check your paper for free On-line tool. No downloads Easy and usable report TRY NOW.

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what are the reasons behind them? Ever thought of that. We are the reason behind it. Being a president, I would work on pollution its causes and prevention of it. I would let no stone left unturn. Reservation system is seats specially equipped for the backward people as an opportunity to rise. To make a crime free nation, I would work on it by making a special secret team in each state who would grab the culprits. Being a president, I will work on a crime free environment in our nation. Are the farmers really getting what they deserve? Do you know that they are the ones who produce the food we eat, they are like Gods and Goddesses but are we treating them well?

Being a president, I would get them full rights, bring out few schemes through which they can live a better life and get what they deserve. At the end I would just like to say that if you are not a president, at least you are a human, you can bring a change, because change starts from the one and goes till infinity. What is a nation? Reader Interactions Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Skip to main content Skip to secondary menu Skip to primary sidebar Skip to footer HOME CONTACT US All Essays JEE Main Table of Contents. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Footer Top Trending Essays in March Essay on Pollution Essay on my School Summer Season My favourite teacher World heritage day quotes my family speech importance of trees essay autobiography of a pen honesty is the best policy essay essay on building a great india my favourite book essay essay on caa my favourite player autobiography of a river farewell speech for class 10 by class 9 essay my favourite teacher words internet influence on kids essay my favourite cartoon character.

Funding would be pulled from politicians paychecks to help pay for the needs of every school. Teachers would be properly trained to work with students of all kinds and would be paid accordingly. If I were president, the environment would become a top concern. People would be motivated to recycle and reuse things so that landfills could be kept from taking over their communities. Research dollars would be allocated toward developing environmentally friendly fuel sources and people and companies would be compensated for choosing solar panels and other things that are better for the environment. Protecting our world is important for future generations and educating the public about what they can do to help would be a top priority.

If I were president, kindness would prevail and people would treat those around them with love, respect and basic courtesy. I know I might be wearing rose colored glasses, but if people truly treated others as they want to be treated, the world would be a better place for everyone. Not everyone can become the president, but if those that do were better at doing what the people need and trying not to be ruled by money, every citizen of the country would benefit in a big way. Get more free essays Which categories were useful to you? America needs to inspire a new generation of risk takers. And it starts in school. Science provides a particular way of questioning what you see and hear. When empowered by this state of mind, objective realities matter.

These are the truths on which good governance should be based and which exist outside of particular belief systems. Students: Tell us what you think of these ideas. Which are most helpful? What would you do differently if you were president? How would you try to solve the problems facing the United States? Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name. But the main problem is job availability so I guess I should start with that. Many US citizens are out of work or getting their hours cut back because they cannot be afforded.

I thank the ideas are graet and I also thank that the most hellpful is for fixing up the schools and hellpin kids in need. I know if i was president i would help the kids in need. I would also try to help you out by lisining and understanding your problems. If i was presisdent i would lower gas prices. Then i would try to stop all the violence. I would try to help all the sick children and poor people make the world a better place. I would try to make the gas prices less than what they are now because some of the adult that have children need to get to work everyday.

Also i would invest to make more schools, playgrounds, daycares, and alot of other stuff too. The one thing i would do is meat with other countrys that is having a hard time with their life and i would try to help them in any way i can. I would lower gas prices so everyone could afford it. I also would try and make the economy better. i would try to house every homless person on the streets in the united states. if i were president i would change alot of things around , such as school hours. School hours are really long now days. Yes , students should get all the education they can get but at the same time they should be able to take a break.

Not worry about re-election and focus on core problems. Pass laws creating non partisan redistricting commitees to make elctions competitive and get congressmen willing to work in congress. Then focus on the problem the president is actually able to deal with. In a word entitlements. The president is responsible for the government so get it in order. One way or another take responsibility and fix the budget. Otherwise key programs of the government will go bankrupt within the decade. Once we have money to use then you have the ability to fix then other problems. If I were president, first off I would change the yearly wages that Congress gets by decreasing them, and putting them aside for the schools.

So that kids like me can learn more and be able to have a good art program. I would also, take away the border patrol and make it so that would be where the military trains. So, that way the trainees can have many hands on experiences and we can save some money. I would then, slowly start jobs up again, and go in on a deal with Hanes or something and start a production line here in the US and then after that picks up I would continue to increase the amount of jobs available. Those are a few things I would do if I were president. I believe that all of the above comments are good ideas, each proving a wonderful point. The pressure to be president would make the job difficult, and though a person may have many great ideas, they may not follow through.

If I were President, I would stop lending money to other countries. I would also figure a way to make more homeless shelters for those in need. I would try to form a plan to get the soldiers out of war slowly to keep from a revolt against the United States.

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