Thursday, January 20, 2022

Descriptive essays about the beach

Descriptive essays about the beach

Time flew and before we knew it, it is time to go home. Use it descriptive essays about the beach checkout. We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. However, my feet would not oblige at this time because they were penetrated by the frigid waves. Get A Custom Essay Special offer! But today is another day altogether. As I took in a breath of fresh air, my nose was tingled by the smell of the salty sea.

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Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic. It's time for you to descriptive essays about the beach your grades! One of my earliest memories was when I went to the beach with my parents for the first time. My first impression was how crystal clear the water looked, as it was reflecting sunlight. The day was hot, and I remember the sun beating down and thinking how refreshing it descriptive essays about the beach be to step into the ocean water. The beach has a very particular smell to it. As soon as we got to the beach, I ran down to step in the water. The first thing I noticed was that the heat was not only in the air, but also in the sand, as it burned my feet.

I had to run quickly because if I left my feet in the sand for too long, it would burn, so I quickly ran down toward the water. Need A Unique Essay on "Descriptive Essay: The Beach"? As soon as I stepped into the part of the beach where the water laps the sand, I felt it was immediately cooler, descriptive essays about the beach. A small wind kicked up right then, and I was surprised at how I could go from being hot to being cold so quickly. The wind still felt refreshing, and I dipped my toes slowly into the water. I let the waves hit my ankles, and then the water would flow back into the ocean, descriptive essays about the beach. Descriptive essays about the beach remember thinking how beautiful everything seemed.

The air was warm, the water was cool, and there was the sound of seagulls which could be heard over the sound of the small waves hitting shore. I did not want to swim in the ocean water, so I only went in the water up to my knees. I ran for a little while along the shore because it felt good to run, and I remember how walking through water took more effort than normal. Before long, I was a bit winded so I decided to head back up to where my family had set out the towels. After a few more minutes, I started getting hungry. There was a small vendor on the side of the beach selling drinks and sandwiches, so we decided it would be a good time to get lunch.

Outside the vendor was a small table with a bright red umbrella, so we sat down and ordered our food. After lunch, I decided I would try to make a sandcastle. When that failed, I simply ended up drawing in the sand using my foot. I liked the feeling of the cold, descriptive essays about the beach, wet sand running between my toes. It started to get hotter, so whenever I needed to take a break from the summer heat, I would step back in the water and instantly cool down. The children were laughing and playing as they splashed water on one another. It was almost too bright to look at directly.

What I will take away from this memory was how peaceful it was, and I will never forget the ocean smell. The beach has since become one of my favorite places to visit, and I am always excited whenever I get the chance to visit. Why not get a unique paper done for you? Use code: CUSTOM Skip to content Forget the all-nighters and find some writing inspiration with our free essay samples on any topic. Search for:. Order Now. Do Descriptive essays about the beach Essay Use code: CUSTOM20 Code copied! Use it at checkout.

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A tuneful voice, in a perfect pitch, was singing to the accompaniment of an acoustic guitar. A happy chattering was heard and the stories are being told around a colossal heap of burning sticks. Silently walking away from the crowd. In the distance, the chattering slowly vanishing away. I am alone and now surrounded in the shadows of deep darkness. Sitting down on the soft sand and twist my toes every little while, a little wave gathering courage and creeping up to my toes, giving a little splash and run back to hide. There is no disturbances and no interferences. My thoughts were simple and all my feelings are calm. In the stillness of the serine night.

I started reflecting on the person I am and what I grew to be. I decided to wonder about my purpose in life, my values and everything I have ever worked for. The trees form contour against the darkness and give a shadowy presence around me. The bright blue sky seemed to be infinite, for ever going on. Surrounded by such big things made me realize how small I actually am. To think that the amazing creator of all these actually loved me and knew me by name. The moon, not covered by the clouds, was a round beaming big ball. It gives me a sense of security, that it will always be there for me.

I found it to be like my dreams. Then again, started living in a dream. Life itself is actually a dream in itself that we will one day wake up from into perpetuity of reality. The cheeky small shining stars, twinkling in the dark black sky, seemed to be making fun of my childish dreams and imaginations. The cold breeze brushed against my cheeks, leaving a soft tickling feeling. Feeling amazed by the awesome beauty of nature that is surrounded me. I am spell bound that it was all designed and created by a single person. Taking the sand in my hand and watching them slip through my fingers; it felt like the time is running. A longing out pouring deep within me felt urged to stay there forever, a place so close to all my dreams.

Smiling and satisfying, a feeling that did not have in a long time. The emptiness that once submerges me is now filled with an overflowing spring of joy and happiness. Time flew and before we knew it, it is time to go home. It seems the pressure of the ticking of time did not apply to this incredible place. Knew that in a little while, I will have to go back to my world of mundane, routine life, rushing people with a schedule filled with endless tasks to complete. Taking a deep breath and closed my eyes, a smile on the corners of my lips. I remember thinking how beautiful everything seemed. The air was warm, the water was cool, and there was the sound of seagulls which could be heard over the sound of the small waves hitting shore.

I did not want to swim in the ocean water, so I only went in the water up to my knees. I ran for a little while along the shore because it felt good to run, and I remember how walking through water took more effort than normal. Before long, I was a bit winded so I decided to head back up to where my family had set out the towels. After a few more minutes, I started getting hungry. There was a small vendor on the side of the beach selling drinks and sandwiches, so we decided it would be a good time to get lunch. Outside the vendor was a small table with a bright red umbrella, so we sat down and ordered our food. After lunch, I decided I would try to make a sandcastle. When that failed, I simply ended up drawing in the sand using my foot. I liked the feeling of the cold, wet sand running between my toes.

It started to get hotter, so whenever I needed to take a break from the summer heat, I would step back in the water and instantly cool down. The beach is one of the best places for entertainment and fun for adventurous people. It is also the perfect place to go to for anyone looking to momentarily forget about their life hustles and take a well-deserved break from the fast-paced normal daily life. One of the most remarkable beach is the Miami Beach. Once during the spring break of March, I visited the Miami Beach, and I was blown away by the salty and floating breeze of its coast. At the beach, one cannot help but admire the calm blue sky or marvel at the beauty of creation in its entirety. The beach is filled with all kinds of people, both the young and the old clad in bath suits of different colors.

The young children are covered in towels, and most of the times their parents allow them to create sandcastles or frolic in the ocean. Others choose to organize mini races on the beach sand and enjoy themselves casually competing with each other. Order Now We will write a custom essay describing the beach of your choice specifically for you. People from different backgrounds and races always fill the Miami Beach. There are blacks, whites, Hispanics, and Indians among others. In most cases, such people visit the beach in pairs as husband and wife or with their children. The couples stroll the beach holding hands while others lie on the sand to enjoy the sun. In my visit, I attended alone to have an experience of this famous beach. The experience was out of this world as I laid down to take in the smell of the salty water feeling like a sea animal without caring about anything with the only consolation being the resonance of the rolling waves, the distance voices, and laughs and the laughter of people.

The sun also did its part as it generously sent its rays to massage my intentionally exposed bare chest. During the mid-afternoon, the rays of the sun get warmer. At this time, people decide to take a dive in the ocean or stay ashore to experience the bitterness of the sticky evening air. Without a doubt, I firmly believe that mid-afternoon is the best time to experience the relaxing, soothing, and peaceful atmosphere of the beach.

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